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  1. It helps those of us with astigmatism, too!
  2. I shoot a lot of 9mm. Great price and mighty nice of you.
  3. Thanks for sharing! I felt there was a "learn something new" opportunity, so thanks for obliging me.
  4. Learn me something... Why does the box say 7.62x59?
  5. GREAT price! Wish you were in the right part of TN!
  6. Great price. Cheaper than cheapest on ammoseek right now.
  7. Willing to split off the ammo? Or waiting until you sell the rifle?
  8. Great price. Just got one of these from PSA. This is the clearance price before tax/shipping. Awesome little optic. GLWS!
  9. Savings can be gained by combining trips. If I'm going to be heading somewhere for another errand, then it's fine by me. Thanks for the thought, though.
  10. Anyone have a lead on cheap FFL in MJ/Lebanon/Hermitage area? Willing to drive further for an FFL with low transfer price, especially someone who gives a break on multiple transfers at the same time. Thanks for info!
  11. This is really cool. GLWS!
  12. If scatman passes, I'll happily take it off your hands. Great deal!


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