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train 45

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Kahr CW40
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Sig P239 Custom Shop SAS

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  1. Since you asked, I've got some fence row that needs to be cleared.
  2. That's a lot of beautiful pieces. Way out of my league. But still mighty purty.
  3. Just watched a review on this. Beautiful gun! Only problem with these 1911s is they are too big for me to CC.
  4. I remember seeing these in a magazine when they first came out. I wanted one bad. It was out of the question in those days. House payments and 5 young kids on working mans pay check kept me broke.
  5. Just when you thought a Glock couldn't get any uglier.
  6. train 45

    Family pistols

    Beauty! That's a real keeper, for sure. I have some of dad's guns. They were divided between my brother and I. My father was all about function, meaning accuracy. He modified every thing, to suit him, so their value has been greatly diminished. But I have four boys who will get them someday. They all want his Remington Rand 45. It was his hardball gun, when he was shooting National Match Course in the 60s.
  7. I learned a lesson on this one. My chance to vote in an election. My high school civics teacher tried to drive into our heads that no matter what you think of a candidate, you get the party platform. After all of the pardoning that went on from Watergate, etc., I thought we needed a change. Carter looked lime a good option. But like Blow hard joe biden, he was a puppet for the left., turning millions of acres of world class hunting land in Alaska into a National Monument preventing anyone from hunting on it. Thanks to the Sierra Club. Friends of mine who bought their first house at those ridiculous interest rates of 13.5% had their financial destinies cast in political swamp mire. Some were forced to buy houses in bad neighborhoods, because that was all they could afford. When interest rates came down and they tried to refi, they were told by the banks that their house value had dropped, so they could not qualify. They were stuck there, or had to declare bankruptcy and walk away. Thsrt wasn't in there character, so 45 years later they are still there, in a dump. Thank you Jimmy Carter.
  8. Howdy from SmithCounty!
  9. Yo Howdy from Smith County!
  10. train 45


    Good point on the sensory issue. My experience was not a gun battle, but shooting at a deer. While I can say that many times I never felt the recoil or was bothered by the noise in the past, when shooting at game, for some reason this time my senses where incapacitated. Adrenaline probably has some thing to do with that.
  11. It's a Win.270. Pop was a big 270 fan. Read all of Jack O Connors stuff.
  12. Thanks. The throat is eroded to the point where his hand loads look like the bullet was never seated, they're out so far. Win, 270.
  13. train 45


    A lot of good points to consider. I have fired my 44, 7.5" Blackhawk in the dark, and couldn't see enough to follow up or know if I hit any thing. Muzzle flash is fun when you're plinking but could be real trouble when seeing is everything. Somebody mentioned an excessive volume is unwanted. If you've ever fired a gun indoors you know how loud it is. Even with good ear muffs it will surprise you. With out ear protection you'll be deaf for hours. They don't show that in the movies.
  14. Red dot shakes like Don Knotts, n Shakiest Gun In The West. My Dad shot scopes on 3 guns in National Match Course matches. Guys would come up and ask to hold his gun and try to sight them. All would become frustrated with the weight of the gun, not being able to even find the target and, seeing the cross hairs dance around. Every body would say, "How can you hit any thing with that". The scopes in those days didn't have as much eye relief as they do now. Not an issue in bullseye shooting. He worked out with weights and springs so he could handle the weight.
  15. I agree with you on the red dots. They stick out too much. Same on the doulbe stack guns. I remember reading what the FBI stats were on law enforcement shootings. Less than 3 shots fired at a distance of less than 3 yards was the majority of encounters. On a practical note, I have had numerous occasions to use my EDC to dispatch varmints on my property coming home at night. My Sig has night sights and have done much better with that than my Kahr, which just has white lines. This is where I thought the laser would be a big help.


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