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Posts posted by THneo

  1. Thanks for all opinions. Seriously would not enjoy shooting a dog. We have two dogs ourselves. I don't really care about losing chickens. I am just concerned that a dog that jumps a fence and attacks, would turn on my family. I will never take a chance on my family's safety.

    Sad that most of the responses are worrying about litigation or fortifying my property more. Understand that there are predators out there, but my main concern is my family's safety. Thanks again for all opinions.
  2. A few days ago, 3 stray dogs without collars attack our chickens. I live in city limits. Our backyard is fenced in but 2 of the dogs were small and jumped easily over our 4 foot fence. The 3rd dog never got in. The 2 dogs killed 1 of our chickens. Fortunately my wife was headed out to work in backyard and scared them out otherwise they might have killed the other 4. If I had been there and had a firearm available I would have shot them. What do you think is legality? Would I end up facing charges?
  3. Bought the 250 sum last year. Could not get the subcompact to change reliably out. Fortunately gun store took it back and refunded my money. Would not recommend. Not up to Sig reputation.

  4. Hi, new to TGO, but long time gun owner. If not for the 5inch barrel, I can tell you I love my Kimber Ultra carry. Perfect compromise for carry and target shooting. It was very accurate and can shoot all day and not beat up your hand like most carry guns. All for ~$900-1000. Just my two cents worth.


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