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Posts posted by Okey

  1. If you want to drive a little north of Lebanon you are welcome to join us. We have several different calibers and quality of scopes that you can try. We might even be able to talk Mike into bringing the above scope.


  2. Have to say we didn't need jackets. :) It worked pretty well. I think it will make it bearable when it gets a little hotter. Also the .223 hung with the big boys yesterday. Light wind and 600 yards. Target Cam issues so we had to stay at 600.

  3. Here is a link to some guys that were shooting with us. It was a .416 Barrett caliber. Not sure the brand of rifle. Don't think they hit anything over 200 yards.

    The last rifle in the video is my buddy shooting my .223


  4. The berm being shot at is 1000 yards. The first of the video was to show my wife how far 1000 yards was. The round plate is at 400 yards. The first and second berm is at 700 and 880 yards. The last is at 1000.


  5. Looks good but how does it work and feel?

    But most importantly what does Mike think of it? :)


    Feels and works great. Seems like a lighter lift probably because of the larger diameter.

    As far as Mike goes that stinker has been to busy buying a new Press, dies and gauges so he can load that perfect round instead of shooting with me.

  6. Was showing off my bolt handle modification on another thread and Gordon took notice.


    He had me send dimensions and mailing address. Less than a week later a turned extension showed up in my mailbox. :) It even had matching color in the grooves. This thing is just great. Thanks Gordon.



  7. Man this thing works great. Thanks Mike. Tried it to 1000 yards. Had the camera set up about 80 feet in front of the 1000 yard berm. Not sure why the clays look like they are glowing. The berm was in a shaded area and the camera out in the open. I was around 30 feet in front of the camera talking to my buddy in the shack.

    We still have a little fine tuning tuning on color and dimensions, for some reason it makes me look old, fat and gray headed.:D


    This is a shot of the screen after it got dark. Had a couple of AA LED flashlights lighting the targets. Not sure who shot the targets on the right.:)


  8. We need to try this thing at night. Since there's lots of capacity left over in a car sized battery, it would be pretty easy to rig some kind of bright LED light.

    I was wanting to try it at night but I was cold and tired. :) Took it down when it was getting to dark to see thru scope and still looked good on the screen.

    A small LED flashlight on the target should be all we need for night shooting.

  9. Got it loaded up, hooked up, turned on and ready for a drive. Was on the phone with my buddy that was watching the monitor in the shooting shack. Drove to the 600, 700 and 880 yard targets. He said there wasn't a change in signal until the 880. It was still working but an antenna adjustment as per Mike's instruction will probably sharpen the picture.


    Set up at 600 yards


    Inside the shack with TV monitor.


    My best 5 shot group. Don't ask me where the 5th one is. The rest looked like they were hit with buckshot. :)


    Not sure if the heater or the Target Cam was my favorite today.


    Never pass up a chance to show off a sweet Bolt Handle. :hat:



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