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Posts posted by sargedog1

  1. If I may put my .02, Sounds to me like the teacher was pressuring(bully) him for an answer. I am so glad my daughter is out of school. She is so much like me she would have told her teacher to mind their own business. There are getting to be more and more bad teachers, the school my daughter went to there was a female teacher that was charged with sexual misconduct with several students. This dated back to when my daughter was there. I always told her if you think it is something you don't feel comfortable answering tell them to as your dad he knows everything.lol

  2. Hey Greenhorn, If you make it to upper East Tn. in Piney Flats we have a new shooting range the name is Shooter's Edge. The lane cost is $20 an hour $10 for extra person. The handgun rentals are $10 most handguns and the shotgun,rifle,and ar's range from $10-$30 an hour.

    We also have Ridgewood bbq I don't know if it's the best, but it's the best I have eaten. I think it is probably 40 years old, it is a hole in the wall kind of place but you will have to wait in line at lunch or supper. Hope you have a great time in a great state.

  3. Thank you so much for finding my gun I have been looking everywhere for it. I will send my address so you can mail it back to me.lol But seriously nice gun, I have the .40 service model and love it. I was at a gun show last year and a guy had 2 in the .45 and by the time I got back with the money they were gone:( Hope you enjoy it.


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