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Posts posted by estwing

  1. Hello all.  I have known about this site for a long time and finally registered my account here.  I have been involved in the shooting sports since I was a teenager and have had my TN Carry permit since 1998 right after TN changed its laws.  I served with the 450th MP Co in Nashville for 8 years and was deployed twice.  I am currently getting ready to take the NRA Pistol Instructors course in Nashville, hopefully in November.  Glad to finally be a member here, great website and looking forward to learning from the rest of you as well!



    welcome, i served with the 304th mp co. in nashville and deployed once during operation enduring freedom. 

  2. No worries, if you hit a dead-end just give us a call.  Almost done with all the barrel work for the year so we're just gonna be boxing up parts/equipment for the Nashville relocation so there ain't gonna be much going on here through January

    glad you guys are coming to Nashville. I bought one of your muzzle breaks for my Beowulf and love it. it also cleans off my bench everytime  I shoot it.


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