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Posts posted by sbroomheadsr

  1. The FiveseveN has a point of aim that is the point of impact out to 50 meters, not feet, meters. The following is from the FN forum.




    The FN 5.7 pistol is constantly maligned or underestimated in many gun forums and articles, often by people who have never experienced shooting the pistol. Subjective comparisons with the .22 magnum or categorization as a sub-par .223 round create confusion about the effectiveness of the FN 5.7.

    Enough time has passed after the terrorist attack at Ft. Hood. The shooter, Nidal Malik Hassan, has been arrested, tried and sentenced. The media has moved on. Now we can begin to analyze the impact of the FN 5.7 and address the question of lethality. 

    Using SS192 and SS197SR ammunition (common commercial 5.7x28 ammo), several 20-30 round magazines and an FN 5.7 (shooter also had a .357 revolver but did not use it), Hassan killed 13 and wounded 32 people.

    Many armchair ballistics expert criticized this result as proof that the FN 5.7 platform is not lethal enough because of the proportion of the fatalities to the wounded. Others have proposed that had Hassan use another type of pistol, 9mm or .45, there would have been more fatalities.

    If you look at this Wikipedia link and look at the list of casualties, one can come to a very eye-opening conclusion. 
    Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    1. 11 people were shot center-of-mass (COM), one was shot in the stomach and one was shot in the head. All 13 died. All 11 victims who were shot COM did not survive.
    2. 3 of the 13 people who died, tried to charge Hassan, but he stopped them with COM shots.
    3. The 32 people who were wounded were hit in the arms, legs, hips and shoulders. None of the wounded survivors were shot COM.

    The following conclusions can be drawn:
    1. The FN 5.7 is a very lethal round CQB because all 11 victims who were shot COM died. No survivors for those hit COM.
    2. The FN 5.7 is a real stopper, because 3 tried to charge Hassan at close range and were stopped by COM shots.
    3. One of the fatalities was shot in the stomach, and died. The fragmentation of the SS197R round can create a hail of metal shards that can cause serious internal organ damage and bleeding in the stomach.
    4. None of the 32 people who were hit in the extremities, hips and shoulders were able to muster a counter-attack because the FN 5.7 must have shattered or broken bones. The high rate of wounded vicitms to fatalities was the direct result of the shooting ability of Hassan (or lack thereof), and not because the 5.7x28 round is not lethal.
    5. Sgt. Kimberly Munley (base civilian police), one of the first responders, was immediately disabled with 5.7x28 bullet shrapnels to her wrist and a second 5.7x28 bullet broke her femur. The light 5.7x28 commercial ammo showed that it can shatter large bones due to its velocity
    6. According to medical personnel, there was so much blood in the room that it was difficult to get to the victims because the floor became very slippery. One can conclude that the commercial 5.7x28 rounds can fragment or tumble, causing immense blood loss.
    7. It took five bullets (which I assume was a 9 mm) from Sgt Mark Todd to stop Hasan. And he survived his wounds (no available info on where he was hit, except that one of the bullets paralyzed Hasan).

    In conclusion:
    1. The FN 5.7 is definitely a very lethal round. 100% fatality for COM shots.
    2. The FN 5.7 is a man-stopper. Three military men tried to charge Hasan, and all three were stopped.
    2. The FN 5.7 is a very incapacitating round, if extremities are hit, because it is powerful enough to break the femur (which is the largest bone in the body)
    3. The fragmentation or tumbling effect of commercial ammo can cause a lot of blood loss.

    The FN 5.7 is a very effective weapon. It is as effective as, or arguably more effective, than any military or civilian pistols in the market.

    It is unfortunate that the jihadist Hassan used this weapon against U.S. soldiers.
    • Like 1
  2. I am I better off than 4 years ago? Well, as for as income goes, yes. I got my 2% raise each year with some bonuses. As far as outgo, hell no, I ain't better off...

    Gasoline - twice the price

    Food - 10%(-+) each year for the last 4 years

    And for my assets...

    IRA down to 1/2 of its original value

    Value of my home down 15%(-+)

  3. There are so many with HCP now it doesn't really bother me as much. I have pulled over little old ladies that it came back they had a HCP. I had a day that I stopped about 10 cars and almost all had a HCP but almost none were carrying. A while ago it bothered me but not as much anymore.

    Makes me a little sad. Have they been "beaten" into not carrying by their family, peers, or other gun control nuts. Or when they go to work and are they not allowed to have it in their office or car?

    • Like 1
  4. The free target holder give-a-way at your local polling place. Time to stock up right after the polling place closes. Be green, recycle those pesky political signs!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  5. That's great. And unfortunately too often true.

    The local news was showing that clip of the two punks trying to rob the internet cafe in Ocala FL a week or so back.

    The announcer said the older gentleman fired "12 rounds from his 38".

    They just don't have a clue, and clearly they don't even have anybody on staff who has a clue!

    But TV shows always have gun firing more rounds than it holds.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  6. My ophthalmologist knows because I told her. I said I wanted to go back to contacts and that in the past I had a right lens for distance and a left for close. That meant however that I would sight with my left eye. Fine, until I started shooting rifles. She was very considerate and interested and pointed me to a lens fitter that understood shooting. Felda @ Milams in Nashville is a shooter and worked with me. I now have a multi-focal lens in my right eye that allows me to shoot rifles with my right eye sighting. Pistols are a little easier ti sight using my left but all is good.

    If you shoot and wear contacts you need to visit Felda!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  7. I was waiting in line at Walgreens and my shirt had slipped up and my pistol peeked out. The guy behind me whispered, "are you an undercover cop?" I hesitated before answering No. He misunderstood my hesitation and whispered back, "sorry, didn't mean to break your cover."

    It was so hard not to fall on the floor laughing.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  8. My urologist suggested TheralithXR to help prevent stones. I still have a 4mm that has not passed but no new formations. Kind of expensive but I have chemically perfect pee.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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