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Posts posted by SlapChopDonkey

  1. I wish they would have picked a Glock. And tons of federal guys who have no real shooting experience carry them every day without a significant ND problem.

    I guess it is nice that the serial number part is the fire control group.  You can pretty much order a whole gun as spare parts. 

  2. I own both. I love the VP9.  Head to head, I greatly prefer the HK.  Better ergonomics  (for me at least, ymmv).  I also shoot it more accurately.  However, I  already have a bunch of spare mags, holster, and spare parts for the Glock.  And all of the above are more expensive and harder to find for the HK.

    My every day carry is a glock 19. If they came out with a 15 round VP9 that concealed like a 19, I would switch.  But the grip is just a tad too long to conceal well on me.

  3. Most only carry an M4, from what I've seen. But some office types only carry an M9. There is a growing number that carry an M4 with a pistol as a sidearm though.
    For the most part though, at least in the Army, pistol training remains grossly inadequate.
  4. I own both, and greatly prefer my shield. Better trigger, higher capacity. And at least for me, better shooting. (Not to mention that the shields are $100+ cheaper around here).
    Also, my 43 magazines tend to snag in the mag well, because Gaston's ghost hates me.
  5. Here are two in the immediate vicinityce27da9410dcc984d1779a88027b8d62.jpg2e226d373b9ce836d4eccb9c3455bbb1.jpgd5d2eb7fcb1a7c14151a09d0ecc1f6ef.jpg
    The first is a Gerber, it may still be the one issued. The second says Asek on one side and Ontario on the other. I think it's an updated pilot survival knife withe the leather sheath I had in the 80s. As shown, they both have molle straps, and leg straps but I never used those. The only thing I strapped on my leg was my M9, and that only while on mission otherwise just a hip holster while in civies.

    That Gerber is still the issued ALSE knife.
    It's pretty large, so mine mostly stays in my helmet bag, unless we're going somewhere where E&E is a possibility.
    I generally cary a small fixed blade Gerber in that little medical scissor pocket on my thigh, and a bench made auto in my pocket.
  6. your bugger hook is your safety. I will never carry a pistol with a safety, the one nano second could make the difference

    I agree that your fingerconnected to your brain is all the safety you need on a gun. I carry a Glock with a round chambered almost every day, and have never felt unsafe.
    I don't like needless safety features on a pistol. I think that they introduce needless failure points into a weapon, and also make some people over confident that their guns won't go bang.
    But if you can't deal with a safety under stress, you need some better training.
  7. It could also get you killed should you have to use your firearm under stress. There's a lot of ways to keep the OP from happening, manual safeties aren't the answer for a firearm you carry

    If you don't have the mental capacity to take off a safety under stress, it is probably better for everyone if you don't carry a firearm in public. By that logic, you probably won't be able to aim or ensure you have a clear line of fire either.
    • Like 1
  8. congrats! if that's anything like the Savage 'hog hunter' 308. get that limbsaver buttstock pad right away!

    It's head and shoulders above the Savage Hog Hunter. (As it should be for the $300+ price difference). Don't worry about the limb saver, it's a pretty soft shooting 308.
    I have the Hog Hunter, and a few of my friends have the Scout.
    I think you'll be more than happy with the Scout. It's a great little rifle.
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