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Posts posted by Tnscooter63

  1. I have the apex fss on both of mine and have made a big good difference. I have the  ameriglo on my full size, with my old eyes the fibers just weren't bright or big enough. But I have been looking at the warren pretty hard thinking maybe putting the ameriglo on the front.

  2. I have been thinking about getting one. I shoot idpa with the full size and like to carry what I shoot. Is there that much of a difference in the 2? Thanks in advance, Scott

  3. Hopefully, he'll just not sign it, letting it become law as he did with change to preemption statute last session.


    My rep, Smith, has done the "present not voting" thing on this all along. I presented the case to him that the TN Constitution says that only the Legislature has the right to enact laws regarding the wearing of arms. I do not believe that allowing local control "by proxy" of a state statute such as 1311 is within the intent of that.


    - OS

    if he doesn't sign it then how long before it becomes law?

  4. http://www.tbi.tn.gov/firearm_check/firearm_docs/FFL_20Guidelines_pdf.pdf


    4. If your dealer refuses to transfer a firearm to you based on a “CONDITIONAL PROCEED” status
    received from TICS, you were not denied by TICS and have no avenue of appeal to TICS.
    However, TICS will assist you further by providing you with a form letter to appeal the FFL’s
    denial by seeking assistance of the FBI NICS Appeals Services Unit in correcting your criminal
    history record.
    Do NOT return such a letter to TICS – it is to be sent to the FBI NICS. Criminal
    history records maintained by other states or by the FBI cannot be corrected or modified by TICS.
    That is the responsibility of each individual state and of the original arresting agency. It is your
    responsibility to see that TICS is notified by any out-of-state or federal agency upon
    correction/modification of your criminal history record that would effect the original denial
    decision made by TICS.


    Looks like they are done helping me other than this form. I will ask for it tomorrow and see if it has anything helpful.

  5. It wouldn't be so bad if I knew what was holding me up, TBI wouldn't tell me anything on the phone or in the letter. From what I understand of the link that OS put up is my only option is to appeal the nics. I am really not looking forward to dealing with the FBI. I tthink my tin foil hat is getting to tight because I have had some weird thoughts lately.

    • Like 1
  6. As Oh Shoots says, it is up to your FFL whether he transfers it or not. The background check people try to discourage the FFL from transferring the gun by advising that if it is later denied, then ATF will have to retrieve the gun from the buyer. When I had an FFL, I always went ahead with the transfer and ATF never had to retrieve a gun from any of them. Most of the time, I never heard anything back from TICS after getting a Conditional Proceed.

    I wish you was still an ffl. I thought about trying to find someone else but figured they might think I was trying to get around something. I have been thinking of selling it or having them sell it for me. The place of the transfer told me there was no one that would do the transfer because they were liable, I told him that was BS but oh well. I cant believe after the extensive BG I went thru to be a bail bondsman in Shelby county a few years back that something is all of a sudden popping up.

  7. Over the holidays I tried to order a lower from online and when I went to pick it up I was denied. I filed the appeal and 15 days later I get a letter from tbi saying they didn't get the info needed and gave me a "conditional proceed". The place holding the lower says they wont release it to me till I get it sorted out. I have bought 4 firearms thru them and a dozen in the past 5 or 6 years total with never a problem, I have my hcp and had a friend on the force check it which came back all good. I tried calling tbi and the lady was nice but she told me to do a background check myself which wouldn't tell me what their problem was. I explained to her my background and she thought it might should have been overturned and said it still maybe after the holidays. Does anyone know of something I can do to find out what is messing up the BG? I haven't been arrested in over 20 years and before that it was never any domestic or felony's. I would rather see if there is anything I can do before hiring an attorney but I am at a dead end as of now. Thanks in advance.

  8. Ok I went today to buy my first gun since moving to Tennessee. Moved here in May. Got my permit in July. But today went to buy a new gun. The first since I moved here a few months ago. Dealer did the TICS online. After 20 minutes of no response they called TICS and was told they were waiting to here from another agency. Is this cause I just moved here recently? I purchased from a dealer in my old state 3 weeks before I moved here with no problem. Just don't know why this happened. I almost feel embarrassed. The dealer said it's never happened in his store before.

    Anyone have an idea why this happened?

    I think you have to live here 6 months to be a resident? might just be the problem?

  9. http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_20770317/aurora-police-hunt-suspects-after-bank-robbery

    It wasnt a crime scene until the police made it one. It was about 3 miles away and it just wasnt right. There is no good justification to hold men, women and children at gun point and handcuffed. And if the suspect started shooting and a bystander got hit what then? justified or not? I would rather the officers be safe but these types of instances seems to be at others expences.

    • Like 1
  10. Fania said. “They all granted permission, and once nothing was found in their cars, they were un-handcuffed.â€

    I am surprized they all alowed this. I cant help but wonder if this had been me there with a loaded hand gun and refused the search what might of happened. Here in TN your car is considered like your home, so what would it be like if someone 2 blocks over got broken into and they were looking for the suspect in the nieghborhood? could they force me out of my home and detain me while searching my home? I guess if I alowed it, but I doubt I would and I hope some people there get real loud about this, I bet this cost them dearly.

    • Like 1
  11. I don’t understand this. You can’t afford a lawyer, but you are going to invoke your right to remain silent, and demand a lawyer?

    If you shoot a dirt bag breaking into your house, the cops want to clear it and get out of there as much as you want them out. But you have to understand that they can’t leave until you make a statement. A homicide has been committed and it has to be determined if it was justified or not. They aren’t going to look at the scene and decide it looks like you shot a burglar, and let you be, only to find out later that it was a friend or neighbor you were having an argument with and it was murder.

    Why would you want them to take you downtown and set a phone in front of you and tell you to call an attorney?

    They have to hear you say it was a burglary/home invasion whatever, and that you don’t know the dead guy. Unless there is evidence at the scene to the contrary, what do you think is going to happen? Do you believe that Officers of your local Police Department would do this? If so, do you have anything other than an internet video to make you think that?

    Since we are watching videos and basing our decisions on them… Watch the one where the lawyer made a video recreation of a traffic stop where 3 kids were on their way to a concert and got stopped with pot in the car. Watch as the lawyer tells them to get out of the car, lock the car doors and refuse to answer questions. It’s laughable. Maybe someone here has a link to it.

    But if you have kids, don’t let them watch it; they will end up in jail following the advice of what this attorney says to do on a traffic stop.

    But whatever… everyone is going to do what they want and no one is going to experience the consequences but them. I’m just suggesting that if your plan involves refusing to talk to the cops until you talk to a lawyer; make sure your plan involves making the lawyer part happen as fast as you can.

    As I stated in my previous comment (in red) I would give a basic outline.

    I am a bit better with my emotions these days but I am not sure I will be physically or emotionally capable of giving a correct statement if/when a shooting should happen and you just never know when a rookie non-certified officer takes things wrongly.

    I am way to broke to have any lawyer on speed dial and if you do then I am happy for you, no pun intended, but this doesnt give away my legal rights. I have a plan to make sure the officer knows that my life was in danger and that I would feel more comfortable with a lawyer present with anymore questioning just like I practice my draw. I believe buddy buddy talk can be just as damning as an interigation so if at the time of, God forbid a shoot happens and the very minimal basics are not enough then if they want to arrest me and get me a public offender or until I can afford a lawyer it will be in MY absolute best interest to keep my mouth shut.

    • Like 1
  12. I am way to broke to have any lawyer on speed dial and if you do then I am happy for you, no pun intended, but this doesnt give away my legal rights. I have a plan to make sure the officer knows that my life was in danger and that I would feel more comfortable with a lawyer present with anymore questioning just like I practice my draw. I believe buddy buddy talk can be just as damning as an interigation so if at the time of, God forbid a shoot happens and the very minimal basics are not enough then if they want to arrest me and get me a public offender or until I can afford a lawyer it will be in MY absolute best interest to keep my mouth shut.

  13. I used to spray the exterior primeter of the yard with diesel fuel, it is supposed to burn thier belly when the try to cross it. It worked great for me but it was kinda funny that the nieghbors started seeing more in and around thier hous, nieghbor was a exinlaw I didnt quite care for.

  14. Nor will Tennessee, Haslam has his nose too far up somewhere to read the writing on the wall, and it might cost us $.50 in lost Federal Grants. I suspect you can count out New York and New Jersey as well, the Statist mantra is too strong there as well.

    "Virginia’s detention prevention bill was adopted by wide margins, 37-1 and 96-4, in both houses of the general assembly."

    With those numbers a veto by the Govenor would be impossible wouldnt it, that is if we could do the same here.

  15. It is probably a response to this


    I saw that this morning and at first I thought it could have something to do with the rampage, but looks like it was that one of the men arrested's dad was killed by a black man a few years earlier.


    If it was the person who had done the harm to the father I might have some sympathy for the killers but this kind of craziness and that of the NBP with thier calling for blood against whitey, I would have to admit I am trying to be a bit more aware of my surroundings and less trusting these days.


    I am not much into trying these people on the www and I have a pretty good idea what right from wrong is. This to me is about how does it effect me and my family and living close to mempho it could any day. In God we trust and I wish we had a commander and chief who trusted in Him also instead of self serving instigator.


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