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Posts posted by justincredibleg

  1. Correct, the NRA will work however it takes at least 2 months to process instead of 1 month and after a year I can't renew without a ORSA sponsor.

    Thanks BrasilNuts, under ORSA member i just penciled in "BrasilNuts". Should be good enough.

  2. I recently moved back to Knoxville and am looking for a new place to shoot. In alot of the western states I have lived you can drive 20 minutes in any direction and find open land to shoot on. Since that isn't legal here in TN I need to find somewhere I can go shoot regularly without having to pay $10+ per visit.

    I am interested in becoming a member at ORSA and actually have my filled out application on my desk. It looks like long term I will need a current member in good standing to "sponsor" me and if I get one now it will make joining easier.

    I am an NRA member and a Utah conceal carry permit holder(TN permit in the works). I can join initially with just my NRA membership but am not a patient person.

    Anyone out there willing to take me around and show me the facility/potentially sponsor me?


  3. Just stumbled upon the forum and am excited to join the community! I have my Utah CCP and am looking to get my TN permit soon. I will also be messaging a few of you in the classifieds shortly :) looking for a new rifle and main concealed carry.

    I live in Knoxville, manage a printshop and enjoy camping and shooting.

    My brother and I are actually looking for a good place around east/middle TN to go camping that is secluded enough to do some shooting without disturbing anyone. Suggestions?


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