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Posts posted by Pat

  1. Ya know, Mike, that's not a half-bad idea. Might be somewhat disingenuous, but it would possibly be for "our" benefit... even if folks from the north/northeast are gun-friendly, they are obviously liberal enough to put up with other lib-tarded policies from up yonder. Even TN isn't in perfect shape by no means.


    I might just copy-paste 10-Ring's post... hah...

  2. Mmhmm. I'm only 20, and I don't curse. Mentally, yes, that is different, but verbally, no. Not for any reason either, I'm an atheist, so I'm not afraid of the boogeyman or whomever cursing me for cursing... hah... I say this in jest, no stab at religion here.


    Anyway - it is a respect thing. Perhaps also an intelligence thing. When one reduces himself to the lowest common denominator, it is not a good showing.

  3. Did two things today. Expended some ammo for the first time in a long time. Tomatoes and crappy soda make great targets. 158-grain SJHP .357 Magnum makes a great tomato exterminator.


    And, made a handle for a friend's trailer. Instead of a half-inch diameter two-inch rod, they got a one inch diameter, four inch rod to crank up and down with. Three hours of work, not bad...

  4. Congrats. I have 2 close friends that are machinists and I will tell you that every town will always be in need of a machinist. You can take your Kennedy tool box and go anywhere in the country and get a job, or at least you used to be able to do that.


    That's what you read and hear everywhere, that's why I chose this trade. And maybe one day if the U.S. decides to take manufacturing away from our "frenemies", there will be an influx of manufacturing jobs like never before seen.


    Only bad part is, I ain't got a Kennedy, though! My box set up is a mutt - Waterloo top, Kodiak middle, WorkSmart bottom...


    Let me ask you this: what is the pay? While I do not know any welders, machinist, or fabricators at Y12 I would be willing to bet they are making pretty close to $100k with benefits like you would not believe.
    I say this because I know they make that at TVA and they normally pay the same or a little less.


    I wouldn't doubt that a bit. The place I went to estimated $12 to $13 per hour. Not much, but I have never seen anyone graduate from the school I went to and start at higher, sadly.


    I also have an interview tomorrow at E&E Manufacturing in Athens, potentially for tool & die training. If that does not pan out, I will seriously look at Watts Bar. They're just up the road on 58. I got a neighbor or two who retired from there as well...

  5. I can certainly see that happening. If the job is that good, and it being Oak Ridge, I can imagine. I met one shop owner who worked there for years, and everyone around him says he's one of the most talented machinists they've ever met. He doesn't say that, which is also a good sign.


    Thanks to you all for the advice, guys. I just had a successful interview at a small shop in Cleveland. Nothing concrete or anything, but it was very enjoyable. If nothing else, I'm on their radar. In the meantime, I'll keep looking around.

  6. Thanks guys. This is a great community - they lift you up when you're down, but not down when you're up! Hah! :usa:




    Here's a question that will enter your mind once you start working...   Are all machine shop owners assholes, or are all assholes machine shop owners?    :lol:  


    Stay diligent to keep your skills fresh.  Modern CNC equipment can quickly turn a machinist into a machine operator. 


    Heh, it can be hard to tell. I've taken a couple of tours of some places, and it is slightly dubious! Oh well.


    Excellent point, as well. I had an offer from one place - but I didn't act on it because I didn't go to school for 20 months to be a $10-per-hour automaton. I love watching CNC machines run new parts, but not 100. More than anything, I love programming them with CAM.

  7. Hey guys. I got some good news to report - I'm officially a college graduate as of yesterday.


    I took my leave from the Tennessee College of Applied Technology at Athens yesterday, with my Machinist I diploma in hand. After 20 months of turning handles within the walls of Machine Tool Technology, I am now certified.


    It's a pretty proud moment for everyone around me, and myself as well. When I started the course in January 2013, I never thought I would even make it this far; but I have, in what seems like a few days' time in retrospect, 20 months has cruised on by.


    But it paid off. I graduated with honors (my grade average has never been below 97; for the past year it has been 100 across the board) and perfect attendance for all 20 months.


    It was a pretty emotional event, in a way, last night. The yearly ceremony was held at Athens Middle School. It was tough to go through, knowing that I had to move on from several very close friends and co-students, as well as my instructor; but through the magic of email and transportation, it is not good-bye so much as, until next time.


    Now I await my next move - getting into a good job. I already have a good lead; I hope it leads to something great. I want to become a top-class machinist, and a hard-working American's American like the great folks here on TGO.


    Anyway, hey, thanks for hearing my spiel, fellas.

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