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Posts posted by rocketman

  1. The 1911's Marines were issued in the 70's were rattle traps all right. When you qualified with them it kind of reminded me of throwing rocks. You could still shoot expert though......once you figured out what part of the target to shoot at to hit the X.

    I'd love to have a CMP 1911 but I can't see it happening.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Last time I checked being stupid, rude or even being a bigot with poor taste isn't a capitol offense. Those people were coming to kill. What they didn't plan on was a local LEO with a serious set of balls and a hot hand. They wouldn't have gotten far anyways. There were some well armed, serious looking security dudes at that event.

  3. It truely is the "golden age" for AR's. It's amazing what you can get for under $1k now. People who don't have what they want when times get hard again (and they will) can't bitch.

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  4. I'm not sure a 6.8 SPC would be classified a wildcat, would it? You can walk into almost any Walmart and buy ammo for it. I've had mine several years and I love it. My boys and I went hog hunting in FL a few years ago each of us carrying a 6.8 AR. We killed 4 big pigs with 5 rounds and none of those were head shots. The one pig that took two shots was running and the first round hit him a little far back so my son shot him again. The 6.8 is one of those rounds that just seems to kill better than the numbers say it should. YMMV....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  5. You obviously have never been around a Great Dane.  I think temperament plays a huge role in this discussion.   


    Yup you're right I haven't. I was kinda lumping prey drive in the temperament catagory but point taken.


    That said a buddy of mine got sued over a dog bite by a dog that truely never hurt anyone right up until the bit a little neighbor girl. The dog was a pretty good sized GSD who was getting old and arthritic. The little girl accidently hurt the dog while playing with him. The dog bit right thru her hand. The dog didn't mean it and neither did the little girl. Didn't matter. My point is that if the dog had been a small dog all it would have taken to make things better would have been a little anticeptic and a bandaid not a trip to the hospital and physical rehab.

  6. If you have grown children that are scattered all over the US and sometimes the world, FB can be a godsend.

    When I was deployed many moons ago the best I could hope for was the occasional letter and maybe spot in the MARS radio line to keep up with what was going on at home.

    FB is a family thing for me for better or worse.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  7. [quote name="Runco" post="1153827" timestamp="1401530462"]Can someone explain the CMP program, process to buy, and places of businesses? I think I know not everyone can just walk in, lay down the $1K, and walk out, right?[/quote] Don't let the requirements keep you from buying a Garand. It's much easier than it looks. For example the CMP club requirement can be fulfilled by joining the Garand Collectors Assoc. They'll even send confirmation directly to the CMP. Buy a CMP Garand of some kind. You'll regret it if you don't. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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