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Posts posted by tbuford

  1. First class...

    I have always thought that this board has some "good people"....this is a great example of a class act. I told my son who won and he said "oh well"...and then I told him of the gift card...he says "really, why?"....I told him "Son, some have bigger hearts than others"....thank you for the example and the generosity again!

    • Like 2
  2. Dave, I would like to have my son considered sir. This year we will both hit the fields in search of the long beard for the first time. For the last 4 years we have watched the turkeys as we deer hunt coming down off of roost and listening to them as they tear thru the woods in the mornings and afternoons. This year....there wil be a reckoning! We attended the Long Hollow Long Beards banquet last week and that did nothing but fuel the fire even more. With the conference coming up I am sure we will be close to anxiety level without even setting foot into the woods. I am learning all I can about the ole' gobbler and his personality and hopefully me and my son will have a memorable turkey season to kick off yet another thing that we will enjoy together for years to come!


    Thanks for the consideration and the gesture

  3. Another thing that would help is for the walmarts Academys etc....and similar stores to not broadcast times that Ammo will be received, or even times they will be put on shelves.


    Agreed, I for one am not free Monday - Friday at 6:30 in the mornings to wait in line to see "if" any .22 ammo came in. Random stocking throughout the day at non-publicized times would solve a lot of the issues. At least it would level the playing field where everyone would have the same chance to stumble upon some. I will not do business with a scalper... the whole scenario is very frustrating. I would love to take my son out "plinking" but the only thing I can find is gummy stuff that doesn't cycle well...guess thats why I can find it right?

  4. One of the fields you populate is your Phone# and email address. I did receive a txt msg confirmation within 5 seconds with my harvest transaction number (I think that is the correct terminology)...this is the number that is provided to the processor.

  5. Romans 1:16 (King James Version)

    16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

  6. I am in the market for a new carry gun. I was thinking about 9mm but have always been partial to .40.

    I know Glock was made for the 9mm round and 9mm ammo is slightly cheaper.

    Has anyone with a .40 Glock ever had any issues? I don't know that I have flip-flopped so many times on a gun. :love:

    The "conversion" takes all of a couple minutes....I based my reply on "always partial to a .40".....and "9mm ammo slightly cheaper"...perfect scenario for a G27 w/ a 9mm conversion barrel....but, after all is said and done...go with what you are most comfortable with....you can't go wrong with either....but you don't have to choose one over the other as well....good luck!

  7. I'm a 9mm fan over the 40, but have you considered buying the G27, then getting a 9mm conversion barrel?

    Easy answer....the conversion bbl is inexpensive...get a couple G26 mags and you're all set...2 in one....

  8. Good replies from the TGO members...for further research check out the Sigforum....excellent resources and this topic is discussed thoroughly...even running thru the different models and what to look for....

  9. I had a 23 about 10 years ago and trade it in for a 30 about 4 months ago and love shooting it. I bought a 27 brand new and never shot it. Thinking of trading a 27 for a 26 or just keeping the 27 and buying a 26. What is your suggestion?

    Pick up a 9mm conversion barrel for the G27...much cheaper option...then you basically have both...

  10. Thanks for the replies guys...I should have the pics up sometime this evening! Was using a Remmy .270 wim with Simmons scope...not the flashiest set-up but it gets the job done! I will do a little more research on the kits and see what I come up with!

  11. Hey all, well, the season FINALLY turned around this past week...I was fortunate enough to bag a 9 point (one broken off...wish it were a 10)...large mass and he was a beast...dressed weight will be known tomorrow when I call the processer....took me forever to get him in the vehicle....also, bagged a 7 point...not quite as large but the freezer is going to be stocked for the season for sure. Now the question...wish I could afford to have the 9 mounted...it would have been gorgeous but....anyway...I had the antlers cut from both...who knows anthing about the mounting kits available for the antlers...any info appreciated....by the way...I know this is worthless without pics...as soon as I figure out how to get them from my phone to the board I will post!

  12. I am home sick now...sick that I got up so early only to be surrounded by cows having a block party...called it a morning around 10 and went back at noon until dusk...squirrels, turkeys...thats it...a very odd feel to the farm today....

  13. I think that they are great....I have a small one that I bought from a gentleman in Westmoreland :cool:and it has proved to be a great investment...did VERY well with it last year and went unnoticed and sets up in about 1:30....including staking....but, as you mentioned...I have an 11 yr old that has some issues with being still....especially after 3- 4 hours...I will be getting something larger for the 2 of us thsi year...let me know of any good deals out there on a good 2-man.....


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