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Posts posted by MrShotty

  1. 13 hours ago, Jeb48 said:

    Looks interesting but MrShotty will not get it in NY. They will consider it cut down even if it never existed in another form. I wanted a Henry Mare’s Leg Lever Action in .22 just to play with when I was in NY. Henry lists as a pistol and I had my pistol permit. Nope, NY classified it as a cut down rifle, not for sale.

    It is still is on my wish list but there were so many others on the list that I couldn't buy before I moved, that I haven't gotten to it yet :-)

    That is false. Mares leg is not legal, but somehow others in NY that own AOWs would beg to differ. 

    Ill be sure to update accordingly.

  2. You would be correct. However, this AOW is. Not much else is, if anything. It goes on our pistol permit vs using a trust or something. I wont be here long after I obtain it, though. But yes, these are legal. They are unappealing to most so its rare if someone buys one here. $1000 (or more) for a 3 shot 12ga? Im odd and can wait, plus the post office throws away money like its trash. Its been on my to buy list for years.

  3. Im still in NY (Surprise!) and I was able to find a quality Class 3 dealer. Talked to him for a while and got 2 AOWs on order. Once the form 3 comes in for the second one, I can head down there (3 hrs each way in an F350). Ill put my flame suit on but I put in for a Serbu 870 with breecher and another company mossberg 500 version. Yeah, I had to get 2 to offset the travel :)


    I know, I know low capacity shotgun with limited range. But, a middle finger (or 2) to NYS is another motive.

  4. I have 2 Ruger Revolvers ( GP100, LCR) and 2 S&W Revolvers (460, Governor). Of what I own, I prefer the Ruger triggers. I love them all, so it might be best to test drive some. You wont make a wrong choice.

  5. Adblocker is your friend!

    I do not care for the new format mainly because on some new posts it takes me to very near the last post instead of to the first post or first unread.

    I think there is a certain setting where you choose where you begin in a thread, if I'm not mistaken.

  6. Smith 460 anyone?

    Dont worry, I have that one layaway :P

    Well, I currently have 3 revolvers on layaway, one of them being the 460 with 8 3/8" barrel. I was actually going between the 2 revolvers (BFR and 460) for layaway. But, the BFR is still pulling on curiousity string.

  7. This quite the revolver, if I do say so myself. Anyone have one of these bad boys?


    Was looking at the 45-70, but have a 30-30 lever gun already. Not sure which cal I'd prefer. Any thoughts on the subject?

  8. It's funny you brought that up. I actually called FedEx first to arrange a pick up & was told by the rep that FedEx cannot ship firearms unless it's FFL to FFL. I asked the guy to double check for me & he told that he "didn't need to look it up" because he already knew the rules. That's the main reason I went with UPS in the first place. Some of these companies need to concentrate on training & customer service.


    Youd be how surprised the small amount of training is actually given. Quite sad actually. Now you know why your packages are dented in 10 different spots.


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