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Posts posted by Beltaine

  1. I bought a stripped lower before things went crazy, and managed to get a parts kit and a nice stock to make the lower complete.


    It's all moot because now if ammo WAS available, I wouldn't be able to afford to shoot my AR anyway.


    Halfway considering selling/trading it for an 870 Tactical which I'd rather have anyway.

  2. I've heard so many different and changing stories on which guns were where. Not that it really matters, but you'd think that would be something that was pretty easy to keep straight.


    I'm not going to go as far as saying consp... that "c" word, but come on. :)


    Also, isn't the Bushmaster the one they sell at Wal-Mart? 

  3. Name recognition can do funny things.

    If a Red Jacket AR can retail for $1200 and Academy Sports sells enough to be happy about it and Red Jacket is happy about it, then what's the problem?

    If you don't like the price, don't buy it. You're free to do so. One of the few freedoms we still have.

    Capitalism, ho!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Man, I thought Sons of Guns was hokey.

    The bit at the beginning with all 4 of them shooting nearly made change the channel.

    "It's shooting a little left"

    "The action's a little sticky"

    The younger girl looks like she'd have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time.

    The purple 50 cal was hilarious.

    I'll give it another episode, but so far it makes Sons of Guns look like a show worthy of an Emmy.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. I have a Mossberg 500a that my Dad got new for Christmas when he was a kid.

    It's been in his gun cabinet a few years because the slide arm broke. I took it and did my damndest to find a replacement. Even contacted Mossberg who pointed me to Havlin who eventually shipped me a part that turned out to be the wrong part.

    So I broke down and took it a smith, who charged me way too much without letting me know up front how much it would be, but I'll save that for another thread.

    Anyway, long story short, the new slide is scraping off the finish on the slide tube in about 6 different spots around the tube.

    I don't understand how the finish lasts nearly 50 years of use and now with about 50 cycles of the action I have 6 bright stripes on my slide tube.

    I really don't want to take it back to the smith, my wallet would probably melt, and I'm already into this gun more than half the cost of a new 500.

    If I refinish it myself am I going to run into the same problem or would a new finish be more durable?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. The FFL dealer I use only charges $20, so it wouldn't be TOO bad.

    Still, there's no point in charging the fee per gun. It's not like the background check is going to approve someone for one and then not approve them for the next one 2 minutes later.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. The PSL listed in the trading forum got me looking around on the Internet at what the going prices were.

    Originally I was looking into getting a Russian Dragunov but the prices for those easily break into the thousands.

    However, I did find surplus "parts kits" for a PSL among other old military rifles.

    Obviously there will be some work involved, and it seems the parts that are missing or destroyed in the kits can be found online through gunbroker and the like.

    So how feasible is this?

    Any more difficult than building an AR?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. I feel like I indirectly contributed to the whole fiasco.

    A while back I got tired of paying for satellite TV and installed a regular old antenna. I get all the networks for free, and I supplemented with Netflix streaming and DVD's

    I turned over $100/month in TV charges to only $15.

    If a lot of people have done the same thing, I can understand why the studios are up in arms.

    Even with the latest price increases, I'm still coming out way ahead.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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