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Posts posted by mikeroberts

  1. I'd say thst might play a small part, but I suspect that the main reason is performance in the field. SO Units tend to get what they want regardless of budget concerns. My guess is the SEALS like and want these.

    Just don't expect to see them any time soon in regular units. The Regular Army and Marine Corp tend to gollow tgd philosophy of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" ehen it comes to weapons. The next service pistol will not be much different than the Beratta, an all steel pistol with a hammer and a manual safety.

    Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk




    Any body else read this? Thoughts?

    I love glocks, carry them, shoot them, give them as gifts (to family). But can't help but wonder if SEALs switching isn't more about cost than anything.


    Cool! I suppose the fact that the glocks are 'ready to shoot' with light trigger pull and safety in the trigger itself must certainly play a role in the choice. I agree with Moped, this is likely not because of a budget restrraint.


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