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Electric B

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Posts posted by Electric B

  1. Are you sure you're not "over filling" it? We are on the 2nd year of ours and burning about 6 big chucks of wood. We figure out it didn't take much to keep the water hot after we stopped trying to use it like a basement stove.

    How many square feet are you heating?
  2. Short and sweet


    I had a non wear part break 15 days out of warranty, it was the control leaver for the hydro drive. It most likely had been breaking for a while, but it snapped 15 days out. No way to tell it is located  under the foot rest.


    They said bring it in they would cover it, they even called another branch just to make sure. I load up my tractor, get there the next day, a few phone calls later they tell me they will not warranty the work.  And would not quote me a price to fix it.


    Now I know I was out of warranty by 15 days, but they told be to bring it in and they would cover it.  

  3. There are great deals on CL for used commercial mowers


    I mow about 3-4 acres and put  50hrs +/ -  per year on a mower. If you find a deal on a mower with 800-1000 hrs and only put 50 hrs per year it will take you 20 years to put another 1000 hrs on it. A used commercial mower is light years above anything coming out of a big box store.


    I bought a used Kubota ZD331 Diesel it had 950hrs on it and I paid $4000.00 cash. The guy was getting out of the business. That mower will last me until I get tired of it.

  4. I have no problem with the free market, supply and demand.


    But I will not be guilted into "doing business locally" or " support your local brick and mortar" gun shop after what I have witnessed over the last several months.


    If I can save a buck buying online then good for me! More cash in my pocket.


    If the local brick and mortar can make higher profit on  a tragedy then good for them. As a rule of thumb I handle a snake by the head.

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