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Posts posted by Septicsam

  1. First I heard of any trouble with the 30sf? Never have I had any problems with mine. My fav carry by far.

    I did a lot of searches on the net reading forum posts on different sites and saw several neg posts as well as pos posts. But it is like most things, you are going to hear bad stuff a lot more thn good due to the emotion of complaining about problems.

    They naturally stick in your mind more. Seems like I read a lot on g-talk, which is where i expect to hear the most negs just as if reviewing pt145 complaints on t-armed.

    Was also concerned after reading the thread about 4th-gens on this site. Turns out that I think my new g30sf is a 3rd-gen model; at least it doesn't have adjustable grip. I think that is how to determine the difference. ;)

  2. Gave my new G30sf a go at the range this morning, and I am impressed. First time owner of a glock and wished I had bought this years ago. I read a lot of posts everywhere about problems that appear to go away with break in, but I didn't let this bother me as I figure every pistol has problem children out there, so I took the plunge.

    Fired two hundred rounds of WWB without a single problem. I even tried limpwristing about thirty rounds to see if I could make it jam. That sucker just would not misbehave.

    And accurate, wow! The last hundred rounds I shot at 25 yards and put 92 of them in the chest area. The eight that flew to the white paper were my bad. I new they missed as soon as the gun went off; getting tired had a lot to do with it (not used to shooting that much at a go; just couldn't stop my self).

    After the first 200 WWB, I shot an additional 20 box of Hornady Critical Defense at 7 yards. Ten in the head and ten in the heart: 5 inch groups (for me, that's like sniper shooting at a mile).

    Definately my new go to carry pistol. :D

  3. Doesn't make any sense to me. If they don't want us there, post it. :bowrofl:

    Why should they want to force every resturaunt to refuse service to HCP customers? Maybe they figure that their business is going to suffer unless every resturaunt is off limits legally.

    If this is the case, which I suspect it is, it all boils down to just one thing... Greed. They don't give a flying rat's @$$ about their customers.

  4. ... of a lost application.

    I applied on 4/22 for permit and called on 5/12 to check for status. The lady said that they did not have a record of my application and asked me to fax my copy to them... HUH? :eek:

    I recommend checking early; they have a lot of apps and may misplace one. So I faxed the copy that day. Later I called to verify that they got it and they said yes.:x:

    I decided to call again today to see how things were going even though I figured that I would still have to wait another month to get the ball rolling.

    The very very very nice lady on the phone said that it will be issued next week and that I should get it in 7 to 10 days after that. :chill:

    Can I put my little card thingie below my avatar now? Or do I have to wait until I get my card? :up::hyper::mad:

  5. Your instructor is stupid. Unless it's the U.S. Federal Reserve or a bank on federal property, they have to post just like any other business for it to be a no-carry zone.

    I have to agree with a few other posted RE's to this statement. I don't think I would call this guy stupid. There is no need for that.

    As far as this goes I guess you would have to say that I was stupid for asking about something that I was unsure about. I wouldn't think so; maybe "mistaken" would be a better description for my post as well as the instructor's information.

    I have a feeling that if any of us were to go head to head in a factual debate with this instructor we would probably end up feeling a little stupid ourselves.

    Heck I am not perfect even in my area of expertise and am more than willing to admit this to anyone I work for and have done so in the past, but they still respect my overall knowledge and continue to call for my services.

    That is why I am willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt on an issue until I have more information. I may feel that the idea is off base as I indicated here with the :mad:., but I would never call a successful professional stupid.

    Maybe I was stupid for expecting the same from RE's to my OP. :chill::up:

  6. Finally made it back.

    The class was held at the Executive Protection Bureau (http://www.epbsecurity.com/) in Tullahoma.

    The Instructor trains law enforcement and security agencies around the US and in other countries, so he knows quite a bit about self defense and handgun law. I figure that he just gets carried away with his job and likes to blow a little smoke like most folks will when teaching a class.

    And in response to another reply, a very knowledgeable instructor can screw the pooch once in a while just like any one else, so I don't hold stuff like that against them. I feel that I am ultimately responsible for knowing what is and isn't legal and that these classes are more for hammering a little common sense into the average Joe. I have learned more about the legal use of deadly force and understanding the ramifications for using it from reading and studying "In The Greatest Extreme".

    Actually, I wanted to go to Safety South in Murfreesboro but didn't want to wait on the class, so I went local and spent more ($100). But I did get the class over with sooner and I am now waiting on TN DOS.

  7. Thats what I thought, just being careful. Like I said, other times I was pretty sure.

    He was a very knowledgable instructor but I thought I smelled a little BS once in a while. I guess that is pretty common.

    Thanks for the welcome!

  8. In our permit class the instructor informed us that banks are off limits (posted or not) because they are protected by the FDIC (which is also why the FBI handles bank robberies).

    I have looked every where for legal info and yet to find any. Any one out there lawyerly enough to give an answer with reference?

    Sometimes I wonder about some of the instructors, other times I'm pretty sure. :tinfoil:

    What do you think / know?

  9. paid $25.00 for mire off Egay,and $10..00 for the holder,wear it to my friends house sometime for a joke on my belt,I tell him the Dog is here and there is no ecsape...lol


    Had too look twice, then started laughing MAO when I noticed the butt of your pistol in the holster.

    Is that the required carry method for HCP Badge owners? ;)

  10. Been lurking here for a few months and, I am glad I found this sight.

    Ran across it while researching TN carry laws. This has been a great place to help understand some of the codes and learn about the many facets of the gun world.

    I've been a hunter for about 35 years and never thought much about CC, but have decided to take the class (4/18) and submit application for permit. I am also looking forward to taking a few self defense classes later on as well.

    As of now the only pistols I have is a Colt Huntsmen .22 I inherited from my grandfather and a Taurus Pt145 I bought a few months ago to play with at the range and possibly carry in the real world.

    I really enjoy this sight and also spend a lot of time on TNDEER.COM.

    Thanks for having me here and thanks for the sight!

  11. Got my cousin in Murfreesboro to call around and found a Walmart near him that got an ammo shipment. I called the next day and they said they had Winchester 45 auto for $29 a box of 100 rds (had to think to realize that was $14.50 per 50, duh ammo shock). They said they had 12 boxes left and allowed 2 per customer.

    I loaded up a boy that worked for me, called my cousin to wake him and told him we were on our way.

    Two hours later, after giving my cousin and employee $70 each, we purchased the last six boxes they had.

    I've been shooting about 50 a week when I could find them at $21+ a box of 50. Now I can have several weekends of fun (more than 50 rounds) and still have leftovers while I search for more.

    Can't wait to start reloading. Then I can only have trouble finding components instead of ammo. :lol:


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