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Posts posted by Jcrouch05

  1. 10 hours ago, xsubsailor said:

    Just to let you know what will be involved in your decision:

    Revolver ? (single action or double action). Semiautomatic ? (single action, double/single or double action only) (striker fired or hammer fired). Then you have to decide on the caliber and there are numerous ones (380, 38, 9mm, 40cal., 45) and several more that I didn't list. Next, you have to choose a manufacturer, again there are many of them.

    As far as being ripped off. Big stores like Basspro and Academy are often over priced and the smaller gun stores will try to sell you what they have in stock.

     I know it will ruin the surprise but your husband really needs to be the one to pick it out or do as greg mentioned and see about a gift certificate. 

    BTW, I wish my wife wanted to buy me one :D


    I had no idea it entailed so many different things.... Geez now I can say that I have clearly went on my first wild goose chase haha

    Thanks y'all certificate here I come!!!!Now just to find the nearest one to McMinnville TN?

  2. I need help? My husband has want to take the handgun carry class and get a small concealed weapon for some time now and I have been his detourant... I know shame. He's a sportsman hunting fishing etc. But nothing small...

    I want to change that for Christmas! But I have no idea what to get or ask for or if I'm being ripped off? Can someone please help?


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