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Posts posted by syztym

  1. Here is an update. I had taken my Safety Course on 7/27, DMV visit on 7/29, and fingerprint on 7/30. This is an Enhanced Permit as well. I have been checking the DMV's online services daily, and today it states: "Your application was approved 06-Aug-2020. You should receive the card in the mail between 20-Aug-2020 and 27-Aug-2020."

    Sounds like I am good to go.

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  2. Hello everyone. I have a question regarding CCW permit requirements with DUI and alcohol treatment programs. I know this isn't legal advice, I am just curious if anyone has personal experience or info on the matter.

    TN CCW requirements state "Shall not be an unlawful user of or addicted to alcohol or any controlled substance and the applicant has not been a patient in a rehabilitation program or hospitalized for alcohol or controlled substance abuse or addiction within ten (10) years from the date of application"


    "The applicant has not been convicted of the offense of driving under the influence of an intoxicant in this or any other State two (2) or more times within ten (10) years from the date of application and that none of such convictions has occurred within five (5) years from the date of application or renewal."

    However, DUI 1st and any following DUI convictions have the following "You will be ordered to participate in an alcohol and drug treatment program"

    The way this is written makes it seem like ANY DUI conviction in the last 10 years will result in a denial due to the mandatory alcohol treatment on any DUI.

    I have had 3 DUIs. One was around 2003 and the others were in 2013 (none were within the last 5 years). I was required to attend alcohol treatment as any DUI would require. I have been approved for firearm purchases, after having to appeal and get dispositions updated.

    I have not done any drugs or alcohol since the 3rd DUI in 2013. 

    I know my history is sh*tty. There is no excuse for how I was living back then. I've spent the last 7 years making it right. 

    Anyone have any experience or info with this? 

  3. Hello everyone. 

    New member here. Recently a new gun owner. Sorry for the wall of text, but I wanted to provide as much info as I could.

    On June 2nd, I had purchased a M&P Shield at a "big box" FFL. The transaction went smooth. Took about 30 minutes or so for the background to run, as they were pretty busy. It came back approved, and I walked out that day with the handgun. 

    Just over 2 weeks later on June 18th, I went to purchase a Glock 45 from an FFL in Franklin. I was denied. I filled out the appeal, and the FFL submitted it the next day on the 19th. 

    Today is the 25th, and the FFL still hasn't got a response.

    As far as myself, I have never been convicted of any felonies. I have had 3 misdemeanor convictions(DUIs), all with a maximum of 11/29 or less. I have no domestics, no restraining orders, no mental health issues, no outstanding court cases, and I was born and raised in TN. I am an openly recovering alcoholic with 7 years of sobriety. Not sure if that can affect me, since I am obviously not under any controlled substance.  

    Before learning about the TICS system, I started looking into NICS. I went to the NICS website, and requested a denied reason.

    The response I received was: "The descriptive information you provided the Federal Firearms Licensee was compared to and matched information in a prohibiting record(s) containing a similar name and descriptive information". It then goes on to state: "If you wish to further your challenge or contest whether the record is associated with you, a set of your rolled fingerprints must be submitted."

    I do know through public records that there is another person in Davidson Co with my name who is a convicted felon. However, I did provide my SSN for the background.

    Once again, this was the response through NICS, not TICS.

    I mentioned this to the FFL, and the FFL stated he has never needed to do fingerprints for an appeal. He also stated denials happen often, and is usually overturned upon appeal. I asked him if I should still go ahead and get my fingerprints, he said he wouldn't worry about it. This FFL is a pretty well known place in Franklin (not sure if I can name drop in this forum). I also know that the FFL will not release on a condition proceed. The FFL is holding the gun for 30 days during the appeal. The FFL also said I can try again after the 30 days.

    Any info or advice to this situation will be greatly appreciated. I also am aware of a UPIN, which I plan to get, but this doesn't resolve the immediate issue. As I said, just over 2 weeks before I was denied, I had been approved for a different purchase. I don't know if I am just freaking out because I am new to all this, or if I should be concerned.


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