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Posts posted by Steelcolor

  1. 2 hours ago, No_0ne said:

    They show up fairly regularly at gunshows, gun shops, Armslist, Gunbroker, etc.  Probably one of the easier to find variants, along with other ComBloc iterations like the Polish and Chinese versions.  Make sure you check out the trader on gunboards.com as well, it's the premier Mosin site on the net now.  If you're looking for fresh imports, that ship has sailed, except for some really rare shipments that occasionally trickle in from buyers overseas.  There was a small lot of Chinese T-53's that came in a year or two ago from Albania, that's the last I heard of.  Ethiopia was dumping some obsolete arms last year, but I don't remember seeing any M44's in that one, it was mostly old Berdans and the like ...

    Thanks for letting me know and i do love the berdan 

  2. 51 minutes ago, No_0ne said:

    Everybody started somewhere, we've all been there.  Be somewhat patient, these shortages come and go, despite what all the gloom and doom crowd will tell you. Just don't be like so many and assume that you can always get what you want when you want when the inevitable happens, and once again ammo becomes cheap and plentiful.  When that happens, buy up what you can afford when you can, gradually build up your supplies in whatever calibers you own.  Come over to the dark side, and embrace your inner hoarder ...

    Yeah i plan to when things start looking better i just wanted to have a nice gun that if i had to defend my home with and go hunt with and so far im extremely happy with my trash rod 

  3. 20 minutes ago, No_0ne said:

    Don't remember if I've ever bought anything from them or not.  Doesn't ring any bells, one way or another.

    Frankly, everything I see available online at the moment is priced way beyond what I would pay anyway.  I won't be ordering anything in the near future.  As one of those evil ammo hoarders, I don't need to anyway ...

    yeah but i just bought my mosin you commented on that post so i think you seen it but i got 100 rounds of fmj ammo went and shot some of it and wanted to get some hunting ammo for the old gal i dont have a giant stockpile of ammo like allot of people do ive only got 2 guns my mosin and a marlin 795ss love the both of them but ammo rn is just really hard to come by i just now ordered 40 soft points and 40 fmj to stock up on some ammo when the time comes


  4. 1 hour ago, No_0ne said:

    There's no guarantee that any of the online vendors won't have a security breach at some point, but all of the typical ammunition sites have pretty good reputations overall.  I've bought quite a bit over the years from Sportsman's Guide, Ammoman, and others, usually from searches on ammoseek or similar.  Check shipping costs as you go, that has usually been the determining factor in deciding who I went with ...

    I mean yeah allot of places have breaches i was just wondering if there are some sites i should watch out for also what do you tbink about bulkammo.com 

  5. 50 minutes ago, 10-Ring said:

    I have about half a box of of that I picked up at The Reloaders Bench in Mt. Juliet years ago.  Actually don't think I have the box anymore, no idea who it was made by.  Friend of mine used some of it to euthanize some cripled horses. 

    What grain might it be ?

  6. 12 hours ago, No_0ne said:

    Prvi, and the other variants of the same brand (PPU, etc.) makes a 150 gr soft point round.  I imagine, like most other ammunition calibers, its probably out of stock just about everywhere.  At one time, AIM Surplus had it regularly in stock, no idea now ...

    A quick search yields only this so far :


    Yeah i was able to find some target ammo but thats real hard to find too whats some good online store that wont get my card stolen ?

  7. 14 hours ago, JunkiCosmonaut said:

    Buried deep under my great great aunts farm house in Eastern Russia. I call and she say it is still probably pretty good. She will let you have it for 45 turnips and errotic back message. 

    Edit: she says if you are handsome boy will only be 40 turnips

    lmao made my day



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