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Posts posted by Mindchatter

  1. Last week I was driving back home from the store, rounded a tight corner with two lanes at near the speed limit of 25, there was a car in the other lane at least two car lengths behind also rounding the corner I drifted into the out side lane purposely knowing there was plenty of room to do so.

    A few seconds later the car behind sped up to pace me in the other lane and he's yelling and flipping me off saying I cut him off..I did NOT intentionally do that, I am a careful considerate driver and was surprised at his reaction so I responded that "I didn't cut you off so F off buddy" and continued to travel at a sane speed.

    He kept pacing me so I pulled over to defuse the situation and figure he would drive off but he didn't and he pulled over in front of me and got out of his car and had a tire knocker in his hand...he began walking toward my car still yelling.

    Two lane but tight road between the Johnson city news building and some independent car dealer and bus station area..I figured if I began driving he might bash my car or impede me in some way so that option wasn't an option...

    I was still in my car seat belt on, window down cause warm day and this anger management case decides he's gonna ruin my day...

    So he's approaching yelling and carrying a tire knocker, I withdraw my pistol from inside jacket pocket hold it at shoulder level so he could see it and I cocked a round in the chamber (I don't carry with a round in the chamber, I figure it gives me that split second to consider the situation further) .

    At that point Mr. Angry stops in his tracks and begins backing toward his car saying he's gonna get HIS gun..at that point he's no longer potentially impeding progress so I drive away..he CONTINUES to follow me so I head toward the police station and he turns around in the parking lot across from the dairy  queen and I pulled into the station, there was an officer outside and I told him the specifics including his description his plate number, my name and the fact I am armed and have a permit.

    He took that information in his notepad and basically wished me a good day.


    I'm concerned about retribution so I removed some bumper stickers that the previous owner had on the bumper and no longer for a bit wear that particular jacket..


    I carry and have a distinctive swagger, it's just the way I walk and cannot change it but have been told I "walk like a bad ass"..I'm not looking for confrontation as demonstrated by my NOT blowing away an obvious threat when it would have been justified...I could have waited till he got to my open window tire knocker in hand and blasted him...But I chose NOT to deprive a fellow human his life due to his stupidity and aggression. 

    My BRANDISHMENT stopped a tragedy.


    Apologies for my writing style, I'm obviously not a novelist. 





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