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Posts posted by lewisbd

  1. I'm in the same boat as you at the moment. I've been reading and studying the camera forums trying to make sense of all the nonsense on them. I'm actually looking at purchasing a Pentax K-5 II or IIs. They seem to have better reviews, features and price compared to other high end crop sensor cameras. I too was considering the Nikon D7000 but stumbled across the Pentax cameras.
  2. My wife and I got rid of cable about 3 months ago and don't miss it except for the sports. We stream off a Roku 3 in the bedroom and XBOX one in the living room. I wouldn't recommend streaming off a smart tv because the apps are way to slow compared to the Roku. We have subscriptions to amazon prime, netflix, and hulu plus. Like wiljo05 said, if you know someone who has cable or satellite who is willing to allow you to use there acct, you can gain access to sports and other channels.
  3. I lived in the twin cities (Monroe/West Monroe) and also Calhoun for several years when I was younger. Its was a really decent area but I haven't lived there for 10+ years now. I actually enjoyed living in northern Louisiana, its usually the further south you go the worse Louisiana gets. It does get hot there, the heat index there frequently got to 120 or more.

    Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2


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