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Posts posted by mrbond

  1. Your wanting people to choose Option A IF they were going to anyway and not obey a blanket boycott suggestion. But you're ok if they choose Option B if they do so because they prefer to carry. Such a fine and nearly ridiculous distinction hardly justifies the use of terms like "thug". That's the type of overreaching and unjustified language I would expect from liberals when they use terms like "right wing extremist".

    I prefer not to choose Option A because I like to carry. So I really am boycotting the restaurants that serve alcohol--not to hurt the restaurant, but so I can carry.

    But if I were boycotting restaurant out of spite toward the law (or the legislature), then you would have a problem with that--that would be thuggish. You should choose your words better when slicing a distinction this thin. That's all I'm saying. Now if your real goal was to suck up to the media who you believe read this site, then well done. :koolaid:

    With that out of the way, your options are simple:

    a.) Leave your firearm in the car

    b.) Do not eat there

    When choosing "B" you are not necessarily boycotting every restaurant that serves alcohol, you are simply choosing to exercise your right to choose whether being armed is more important than enjoying a meal at whichever restaurant is in question. Many of us have consciously chosen option "A" for years now, therefore this is just more of the same for us.

    My problem with what was recommended is this:

    Obviously if you follow the law, you weren't going to carry into a restaurant that serves alcohol anyway. You would have either disarmed or not eaten there. The recommendation by Hex Head was that we all forgo our ability to choose option "A" and just boycott all of these restaurants... period.

    In other words, strong-arm the restauranteers who had nothing to do with the law being passed or repealed, and punish them for not going out of their way to shower the HCP holder with support. That's what I consider to be a thuggish tactic.

    But you probably already knew that, right? :woohoo:

  2. I have my family with me...I want to be able to protect my family by carrying. How can I achieve that and patronize a place that serves beer or alcohol? I don't actively seek to boycott anyone but, it sure works out that way a lot. Not out of hatred for any business owner, just out of the reality of the situation.

    Does that make me a thug?

    A contingent of TGO members feels that a "scorched earth" policy of boycotting any restaurant that serves beer or alcohol is in order.
  3. Wow, now this group has been noticed by Pat Buchanan:

    Traditional Americans are losing their nation

    Formed in March, they are ex-military and police who repledge themselves to defend the Constitution, even if it means disobeying orders. If the U.S. government ordered law enforcement agencies to violate Second Amendment rights by disarming the people, Oath Keepers will not obey.

    "The whole point of Oath Keepers is to stop a dictatorship from ever happening here," says founding father Stewart Rhodes, an ex-Army paratrooper and Yale-trained lawyer.

    "My focus is on the guys with the guns, because they can't do it without them.

    "We say if the American people decide it's time for a revolution, we'll fight with you."

  4. READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States - News - ReviewJournal.com

    Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States

    Group asks police and military to lay down arms in response to orders deemed unlawful...

    More specifically, the group's members, which number in the thousands, pledge to disobey orders they deem unlawful, including directives to disarm the American people and to blockade American cities.


    Nice to know I'm not the only one that fears we're heading toward a banana republic or dictatorship.

  5. you can not use deadly force just to protect property or terminate trespass.

    The second item is why I still give serious thought about moving to TX.

    The neighboring state of Georgia allows you to use deadly force to protect your property. When my dad (from Georgia) was visiting me in Tennessee, he was surprised that TN doesn't allow you to use deadly force to protect your property.

  6. I saw one advertised as a Dan Wesson Commander with a 4" barrel. Does the commander come in a 4" barrel or did they make a mistake?

    4 1/4" "Commander" on my DW CBOB.

    A full size 5" is considerd a "Government" and a shorty is a "Compact" or "Officer" when talking 1911s. The Commander is mid size.

  7. Another example of an out of control federal government, significantly larger than the founding father's ever intended, running roughshod over states who are supposed to have all powers not specifically designated to the federal government.

    Their federal law is all great and grand except we ratified the 10th. State sovereignty*. What now Obamatard? It pisses me off that the Fed thinks they can just control whatever they damn well feel like controlling.
  8. A dealer bought them out. I had bought everything I wanted. I emailed a friend to tell him, he called me back and said, what ammo? It's gone. I said, no way. It literally disappeared in a matter of minutes. It was around $14,000 worth of ammo. I guess by posting it here I probably enriched a dealer who bought them and will sell them for 3x cost.

    I can't believe 800 boxes just melted away in such a small amount of time.

    Seeing that, I wonder how many boxes Bud's has at 31.90 to have them in stock still.

  9. I ordered 10 boxes of this and 15 boxes of the Federal Hydra Shok hollow point 380's (they're out now). I've been waiting on a decent supply of ammo before getting a 380.

    Anyway, if there's a limit, its more than 10 boxes.

    That's a real bargain, these days. I note also you can only buy 2 boxes at a time. I tried for 4, and it bumped me down to 2.
  10. I'm curious, not knowing what everyone looks like, how would you know who was there from TGO? Were yall wearing shirts or something? For that matter, how did you know which person was for which side? I've had these questions ever since I read your bulletin asking people to come to the hearing.

    If there were other TGO members present, you guys must have been in the overflow room so please do not take this as an official tally of who was there and who wasn't.
  11. Wait, so you're saying your brand new HCP doesn't have your current legal address on it? If I read that right you need to get that looked into soon.

    You just have to go to tennesseeanytime.org and change your address. If you pay $5, they'll reissue you the permit. If not, then the address is changed only in their computer system, which meets the legal requirement. Tennessee's website will also change your driver's license as well.

  12. This is why I specified, very clearly, that anyone who attends to show support for HB0962 is to do so SILENTLY. This means no signs, no facial gestures, no groans, no grunts, no comments, no "Amens", no interjections of any sort PERIOD.

    What's the point of showing up to "support" the gun side when no one will know which side you support? How do you "support" either side "silently"? Are we going to wear certain shirts or something? I saw this same language posted in the board's bulletin and it made no sense there either, so I thought I'd ask.

  13. Those were my thoughts as well, how will anyone know your viewpoint. The request posted in this board's bulletin didn't make any sense, so I decided to stay home.

    Just curious...if the court room is filled to capacity either way, by them or us, how will anyone be able to tell which side of the issue anyone is on? Just thinking out loud. I'm all for showing up in support, but if everyone remains silent and behaved, as they should, it will just be a room full of people, spectators, not discernible for either side.
  14. Got mine in 42 days without calling. Just got tied up in moving to a new house, unpacking, etc. Went to my old house to check the mail a few days ago and there it was. Not sure how long it had been in the mailbox...

    Does anyone know the number to call and check the status of a carry permit and possibly get it pushed up? I am sitting at about 45 days.


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