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Posts posted by WRH51

  1. Okay, I know you have to have your paperwork in order before beginning contruction of a suppressor. But it is perfectly legal to possess plans or drawings for a suppressor correct? I am wanting to see some plans or blueprints on how to construct one before I pay for a stamp. I have a lathe and have seen where others have made their own. If somebody has some plans or knows a good source let me know. Thanks.

  2. Loved Season 1 was enjoying this episode til that crap at the end. I won't spoil it for those that haven't seen it, but that crap went to far for me.

    That was pretty rough at the end but I would also have to say it isn't any worse than other things in season 1. This is definitely not a show for the faint of heart or easily offended! I think that FX is really trying to push the llimits of what they put on tv. Anyone that has seen The Shield or Nip Tuck knows what I mean. I will say that right now this is the only show on tv I make a point to watch!:D

  3. Lots of good info. I have noticed the HKs with the gray furniture are less expensive than the black. I have seen a couple comments about the durability of the gray. Is this really a concern if you handle the rifle carefully? Is the price difference just due to demand for the black furniture? As for the Sig, are all the variations the same as far as trigger and accuracy? I like what I have seen about the accuracy of the Hk. I know I can build an AR as accurate as I need but don't really have time to build. Thanks for the info all.

  4. Let's see where this goes. Looking for some advice on these rifles. Looking for reliability and accuracy. I am drawn to the HK for some reason. Those of you with the Sig or Hk please chime in. I know the AR variations are infinite but looking to stay mostly stock. I plan on putting on a nice scope and thats about it. Thanks.


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