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Posts posted by garethsk

  1. I always look at it like this; if the bike is pristine go back original, if it's a bit of a rag take the rattle can after it and if it's somewhere in-between, well, flip a coin.  :D

    Yeah, this bike is far from pristine, and a full restoration would be far more money than I'm willing to spend. The guy I bought it from rattle canned the plastics just never got to the tank.
  2. Oathkeepers is about as pro-gun as you can get.


    Cool. I wasn't sure if there were any military associations helping to fight some of these crazy changes we're facing. Have these guys issued public statements about any of the craziness going on? I was also thinking more about active military personnel who are overseas. It's got to suck when you're in some place like Afghanistan fighting for somebody else's "freedoms" and watching a fight unfold for your own back home.



    You would probably also be surprised at how many military members are NOT gun enthusisasts...I worked with guys who carried guns daily who didnt even OWN a gun...


    I guess I figured if people were undecided about guns before joining the military (or even a LE agency) that they would get hooked after going through their training. It didn't take me long to get hooked after firing my first gun.

  3. I haven't really seen much in the way of articles about this. Have any of you read anything, or even talked to friends/relatives serving in the military?

    I remember seeing something about military members not mentioning PTSD out of fear it would result in denials during background checks, but other than that I can't think of anything else I've seen.

    I would think that many military members are gun enthusiasts. Hopefully they have a way of letting their feelings be known to lawmakers.



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