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Posts posted by Rock.45

  1. Safety is #1 !! , but I quit IDPA years ago because of its a game , all the rules and and its no more than a run a gun . I started shooting Polite Society matches. you must think for youself its not a memory game or run and gun , it is much more tactical correct and you do not know were the targets will be and NO WALK THROUGH'S . Range Master in Memphis Tn still shoots matches there. It would be great to start shooting in Cookeville area again.  en.wkipedia.org/wiki/The_Polite_Society

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  2. Sheriff's: I'm guessing cold feet. Host asked if any were present but unwilling to join the panel? He also suggested that we contact those AWOL to find out why.


    Windle was my Rep before redistricting, and has both personally returned my calls, and mailed handwritten notes in the past; notably on the income tax issue. May just be a e-mail thing, or too much of same.


    Windle was a cynical "they're republicans?" when Sen. Beavers recounted the actions of Kelsey, et al, in committee. York referred to some specific incident (without naming names of course) concerning a judge, dea, and actions not taken; when she addressed judicial ethics.



    You should have taken a closer look at the posting. I almost turned back to the truck when I realized - It was not a gunbuster. Instead of the red slash, it had a green checkmark, and said that lawful carry of handguns on thes premises is encouraged!


    I took a picture, I'll try to post tonight.

    I'll have to take another look at it , I seen it at a distance in the dark, hope your right

  3. Morning update on Sheriff's Forum: Last night's forum was opend with invocation and pledge of allegiance, then a very informative talk by Publius Huldah on Constitutional issues vs. federal and state politics. This was followed by the sheriffs of White, Dekalb, and Cumberland counties; all supportive of the right to keep and bear arms. Last was Mae Beavers, with details on the derailment of SB 250. (I think Jimmy Naifeh is alive and well inside the head of Sen Kelsey.) Lou Ann Zelnick was there, and spoke from the audience.

    Other notables present but not speaking were Rep. John Mark Windle and Randy York. I spoke with both, and probably missed a golden opportunity (with the latter) to give some negative feedback to the AG's office. They both made some interesting off the cuff comments while Mrs. Beavers was speaking, regarding poilitical maneuvers and judicial ethics.

    My biggest concern of the night: only a few young people were there. We must do a much better job of involving our children and grandchildren, If we're to have any hope of winning this thing.

    It was a great turn out , I was also disappointed with the younger folks maybe 20 or so. mostly folks over 50. they are the one's that if new laws are passed that will affect the most. Also the gun buster at the door needs to go before I return of any RKBA events.       Publius Huldah     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMpXBckyDac    for you young people if you do not know your rights how will you know if they are being taken away, Watch this video we can ALL learn from this Woman.


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