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Posts posted by Packin

  1. I had heard early in some of the reports that it was an AK and he had several loaded back up 30 round mags for it and had 2 9mm hand guns with extra mags for them also. I said back when Clinton disarmed our troops on bases in country was a mistake and is has become a proven fact since Ft Hood that is is becoming fact. I read a report that the Joint Chiefs are meeting next week to discuss changing Clinton's orders and going back to former policies of all troops being able to carry their side arms while in country on base. That was always the rule before Clinton did his stupid move and there was not any incidents of anyone being killed by other soldiers in all those years prior to Clinton making our military bases soft targets. If Joint Chiefs approve it, even if Obama vetoes it Congress can override his veto. I sincerely hope they arm our troops while on base at home. I also think our military recruiting centers should also be armed and they can remove those gun buster signs that didn't stop that murderer yesterday from shooting holes in the sign.  Things like this will continue as long as our bases and other military centers remain soft targets................Prayers to the fallen and wounded yesterday and congrads to the LEO's that did their job and took the Bast--d out. ..................jmho


    It was actually part of a directive put into place by Donald J. Atwood under George H.W. Bush. Regardless of who put it into place its a ridiculous policy that needs to be changed. 

    -2009 Army Maj. Nidal Hasan opened fire at Ft. Hood and killed 13 people. 

    -2013 Washington Navy Yard Aaron Alexis fatally shoots twelve people and injured three others

    Now we have more unarmed soldiers slain on US soil. Our service men and women need to be able to protect themselves wherever they are.

  2. I completely agree with the OP. I went there ONE time, I got in trouble for showing up with a loaded handgun on my side. When I told the guy I have a permit he told me they don't recognize the state permit and made me go back to my truck and unload. If I hadn't been anxious to try out a new gun I would have just left then but I will never go back. They treat everyone like its their first time shooting.


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