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Posts posted by M4sherman

  1. If I am going to resort to hand to hand I would rather have the bayonet than a crowbar/axe/baton for a few reasons.

    1: good bayonts double as feild knifes

    2:you would be amazed how well a bayonet can penatrate when properly used

    3:RANGE, I dont know about you but a M16A4 is 39.375 inches long and while properly employing a bayonet the ZED will be aproxemently 3FT or better from my torso

    • Like 1
  2. 2161 Machinest when class picks up in August. right now I am looking at either a MSI or Alienware (for the awesome factor alone pretty much) as I can get a decent rig for about 1k...

  3. I am looking to play all of the games that usually come out on the Xbox and PS3 but since I have to lock everything up before we leave the barracks everyday a laptop would be the most conviniant (and it saves space)

  4. well I am in the market for a new Gaming Laptop (living conditions wont allow for a desktop) and I am pretty lost. right now I am inbetween and ASUS G-74 refurb and a New M14x (slightly upgraded) but I cant pull the trigger until I know there isnt a better deal out there.

    Also on the M14 is it worth upgrading the screen from 720p to 900p since it is on 14"?

  5. at one time pirates had a code of honor, check the **** out and if it was good buy it (if the cd was good go out and buy a copy, crappy movie delete it and forget about it. I will admit I have pirated a few movies (the walking dead, LOTR) but as soon as they were found on a store shelf I paid the money to help support the business so that the next great movies,game,ect would be able to be made. as for software my general rule was only download if it was unavailable for purchase or was extremely dated. I had pirated the original fallout games in 08 (I now own a physical copy) when they were impossible to find and when I was doing textures as a hobby I refused to use any of the newest two versions as I did not pay for the right to use a top of the line piece ,If I was doing anything more than a hobby I would have purchased as that is the only way to keep the company in business.

    Music was always off limits as I would just check out a few songs on you tube and if they were good I would put down my monies or steal the CD from my sister

    Now these pirates now a days are to short sighted for their own good as they only see the short term saving and not the long term damage. think about it this way if adobe does now make a heavy profit on Photoshop how the hell can they afford to build a newer, better more innovative system, what would have happened if every body just watched a pirated version of transformers, do you think they would have made sequels?

    Hell Stealing is stealing and all your doing is hurting the industry in the long run....if you want everything for free go hop in bed with the Commies and you will see the meaning of "free"

  6. For this months poolee function we are having a toys for tots toy drive at the recruiting station and I have decided to start a delivery service to help gather as many toys as possible. If anyone here wishes to donate to toys for tots but does not have time to drive to a drop off point call Me (Matthew H.) at 901-305-7812 and I will make arrangements to pick-up and deliver them for you. It does not matter if it is just one hotwheel or a case of barbies I am willing to pick them up to help these kids out.

    my family has been doing these drives for years and my mother actually has all of the storage properties she runs as drop off locations as well. I have been into toys for tots since before I signed my contract and I am not going to stop now

    Marine Toys for Tots Foundation

    TGO David if this is out of place let me know and I will remove it. (I let my benefactors dues slip apparently)

  7. Ahh I live off of roughly $900-1k per month from my normal job and my "fun" money comes from side work and trading what I already own

    Rent $450

    Gas $ 60-150 depending on what I decide to drive

    food $125

    Car insurance $100

    and misc expenses

  8. To me success is simply living so I will not have any regrets, and to be honest I could care less about having the "new" or the "trendy" things (uhh hum people with Harley but rather having what I think is cool in my own taste, if people laugh so be it because I spent my money for my pleasure not theirs (I will share though)

  9. I just take it to jim at collierville car audio . he has done 13 systems for my family and all of them have lasted for 8 years or so and he does not skimp on the work. I will send you his number if you need it

  10. Well I picked up an AEG off of Craigslist Saturday and I must say that it was A:Fun and B: a Better Workout than my IST. The main reason for the workout was that me and another guy on my team decided to run around the other teams flank (10 acre field) every match to attack the lazy campers from behind :). very fun day and definitely a nice break from the seriousness of real firearm matches.

    Also I was impressed by how well made some of these air-rifles are as the one I was using looked, felt and handled very much like a real A-15

  11. Cool info so far. I think at first I will try to find a good used one if possible as they pop up on craigslist occasionally while I think everyone else will probably endup with walmart specials ;).

    So what would yall suggest as a sub $200 AK 74 style rifle?

  12. So myself and some of my family (cousins and brother) were talking about getting into airsoft as we have access to 500+ acres of woodland and an urge to shoot each other with little plastic BB's, But first I would like to get a little information.

    First what are some durable brands of airsoft guns (prefer them to be American made).

    Second question do they make Bio-degradable BB's?

    Third what is some general advice on shooting family members with little plastic BB's :tinfoil:


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