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Posts posted by Gophert

  1. Well, the class is complete! We had a new instructor, Chris, who did a great job. In other words, he kept the class moving. I did use the .22 instead of my 9mm. I would suggest this for any person taking the class. It was like shooting a bb gun.

    The only thing is that the class portion ended about 11:00 am and then we had to wait until our range time. The range time was based on what time you arrived that morning and signed in. I arrived about 8:15 and I was #33 so it was about 3:30 before I shot. So.....get there early and you will be done around 12:30.

    Other than that....pretty good experience. Now....on to the DMV.

  2. Is that the used Glock 36 they had? I looked at it a couple of months ago but I already had something else in my scope. That is a good shop.

    Yes is it. I really like the OD color and never dreamed they would have one. It was between this and the Glock 23. It is used, but doesn't even look like it has been shot 50 rounds. It still had the gold grease in the slide.

  3. I have a Kholster for my Glock 26 and really love it. Similar to the crossbreed, but cheaper and I got mine in about 10 days. The leather can be trimmed without voiding the warranty. Check them out.


  4. Just found this forum last week...great info!!! I have been a gun owner since birth, but after a "false alarm" in my house a few months ago, I have decided I need to be a little more aware of my surroundings and personal safety for me and my family. Therefore I am going to get my HCP, with the class being this weekend.

    Is there anything specific I need to know or pay close attention to? Is this a test I need to take notes for or is it more of a "pay attention" type test.

    Thanks everyone for the vast amount of info and a great site.


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