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Posts posted by TM01

  1. Did some hunting while living in AZ. to include black bear, mountain lion, deer and elk.  Took the .300WM with me and never looked back.  Has a nice range of bullets to shoot and you never have to worry about getting a kill even with a slightly less than perfect shot.  After that it really boils down to personal preference.  Recoil can easily be disapated with a muzzle break and gel type recoil pad.  Even w/o your usually only pulling the trigger once, so man up..lol.

    • Like 1
  2. Yes; and that is the key phrase.


    I have mixed emotions about this, personally. We all know felons have access to guns if they really want to. The current permit process helps with weeding them out. If one becomes allowed to carry without any check involved, I can see where this would open the door for felons to have a way to carry. Would this open the door for police to randomly be able to stop EVERYONE they see at any time and request ID to see if they are legal or not?


    I'm personally not a huge fan of open carry, however I do it from time to time. At least as it stands NOW, we "know" that anyone carrying, concealed or open, has gone through a check of some kind, and they are indeed a basic "law abiding citizen."

    So you are saying that criminals wont carry guns because they do not have a permit and that this system we have currently works to prevent them frim having guns?,,did I read this wrong?  Lol..they banned guns altigether in Chicago and know the only people being killed are the defenseless ones by criminals that obtained the guns illegally. 


    This is a simple question and many of you may have heard it purposed a few different ways so hear it goes... If everyone was carrying a weapon for defense, do you think that criminals would be as brazen and open in there attacks while using guns?

    • Like 1
  3.  Some folks need to have one blow up in  their face

    Some folks are born with stupid all over there faces and it will never come off.  Unfortunately we have to wait for nature at times to fix this inherent flaw in the system and thin the herd.  Sorry you had to deal with that, but glad you handled it like a champ.

  4. I had the option to "slab-side" my SP with Marc @ Gemini Custom.


    Since I didn't know if it made a difference, I opted-out and just had the "bill board" removed


    What benefit comes from a slab sided barrel?


    Weight savings

  5. We lost control of the ship long before this bill passed in Congress. History is and should be the worlds greatest teacher but it is the most forgotten facet when it comes to using hindsight to prevent mistakes. Unfortunately this society we have in America is well on the way to falling just as every other great civilization in history. The reason is as simple as it gets. Man as a being becomes lustful, greedy and self serving the more power he is granted. This country has been eaten alive from the inside out and all that is left is a hollow shell. This does not mean that the average citizen is corrupt. We as most other slave forces have been duped is all.

    Other countries have that see what we have not for years laugh at us because of our general vanity and selfish lifestyle. Those that really run this country have kept the majority of us in a posh existence in order to keep us happy little workers that keep generating money and wealth for our keepers. Now that the ship is starting to sink we have begun to see more and more control measures being enacted so that as it gets worse, we can easily be plucked out of the collective and out away somewhere else so that we do not disturb or aggravate the rest of society. The final chapters are being written. I am curious to see how much farther and faster this type of population control will grow.

    I am not the smartest man by far in any circumstance but as the saying goes..."Don't piss down my back and tell me it's just rain" Our apathy as a nation has gotten us here. I wonder if it is to late to climb back out.

  6. That idea has been floated by otherwise unknown liberals, but if it does happen, there will be

    your war in the United States. If that man-child President does anything remotely like that, he

    might as well bury himself in Martha's Vineyard, because he won't be in the White House again.

    I doubt anyone would tolerate that.

    Come to think of it, add the "Occupy Lower Broad" people, Van Jones and George Soros and

    see if that isn't their idea, also. If Van Jones wants his "Revolution", bring it on, you commie!

    He's written about it. George Soros is funding the destruction of this country. And Occupy,

    well they are a bunch of fools doing their part.

    Look at the infractions upon our civil liberties as we speak. The sheeple population in America today is large enough to actually fall for it. Hell look at the whole TSA debacle and you will see what folks are willing to put up with if enough fear mongering gets thrown in there faces.

  7. There isn't going to be any one-on-one debate between O and Gingrich.

    My personal opinion is that there is no more than a 30% chance that there will be an election next November. We'll have an 'emergency' requiring an executive order delaying the election until a more 'opportune' time.

    Very interesting and seeing the history of the constitution smashing criminal currently sitting this theory could actually hold water. Thanks for the food for thought. I would not put it past Him at all. He in fact has proven himself to be one of the biggest bald faced liars yet.

  8. 1. Green Day - On the calendar bottom right with one day colored green.

    2. Match Box 20- Bottom of picture, to left of the calendar on the ground

    3. B-52s - The two large airplanes at top center.

    4. Gun's-n-roses bottom left

    5. Led Zeppelin - the big zeppelin up in the sky.

    6. Queen - bottom center-left

    7. smashing pumpkins (right hand side on bottom)

    8. Great White (left side next to the gold guy leaning on the building.)

    9. Eagles (upper right hand side)

    10. White Zombie-left hand side, under the Virgin sign, above the guns and roses.

    11. Blur - Guy on the far right that is blurry.

    12. Alice In Chains (right side next to the Blur guy)

    13. Rolling Stones (back center and right side of street) Dang it!

    14. Gorillaz (three apes in the top center)

    15. Nine Inch Nails (Just above left of Matchbox Twenty)

    16. Blind Melon (bottom right)

    17. Sex pistols

    18 Iron Madien (center crosswalk)

    19. Blues Brothers (slightly left of center)

    20. 50 cent

    21. Nine Inch Nails

    22. Queen - holding the pistols

    23. Prince -getting jacked by the queen


    24. U2 - on building above police officer

  9. History is a great example of what not to do and what does not work. This countries government along with the people that run it financially from the shadows are actually vain enough to think that we can do what Rome and Persia could not do. Proof is in the pudding folks. The military actions that we wage overseas are a big part of why this country is in such financial distress.

    You can talk about oil and what not but this country has enough resources on its own land to sustain itself without going outside of its borders. Has anyone heard of Prudhoe Bay? There are huge deposits of nautral gas under our very own lower 48.

    I dont claim to know what goes on behind closed doors but if you break it down to its lowest form, the video we just watched speaks volumes. It is just my opinion and worth almost as much virtual memory it took to make this post happen. My thoughts have always been that the military itself was formed to DEFEND our country. How is taking a military action off of our homeland a form of defense? I cannot remember his name, but a high ranking Japanese Admirals was asked why Japan didnt attack the mainland of the United States during World War 2. His response was simply because there was a gun carrying citizen behind every blade of grass.

  10. I'm not watching it at all. The commercial turned me off when the arrogant MORON claims "I'm one of the few people left that can make a gun from a block of steel."

    Well aren't you special, you insignificant piss ant? There are butt loads of tool & die makers that would beg to differ. I was one of them for over 12 years myself. ANY machinist worth his salt can cobble up a gun that will fire, and many of those machinists can do much better than that. It would take me hours to explain all the things I have seen in the bottom drawers of Kennedy tool boxes;)

    My Dad is a tool and die maker by trade with over 30 years experience. There isn't much he cant make given the proper materials and tools. I wish that I had followed in his footsteps. Machining is some serious business.

  11. I actually realized that. My point was more to the rabid anti-gunners who make blanket statements like lower gun ownership = less crime. I also can't tell you how many times I have read that the U.S. has the highest murder and suicide rates in the world, neither of which are true. The article does however make a very valid point, directly refuting the antis' blanket statements. That study, along with others by the like of John Lott show the folly of gun control in this country. Because of the different socioeconomic factors that are present in this country as opposed to say, England or Switzerland, gun control just does not work.

    Yes but you will never see a journalist with the cajones to write a story like this. It does not nor ever will fit the political agenda of the anti-gun folks. If a TGO member can come up with verifiable statistics and wirte them in a coherent manner then why can't those who actually write the stories that get published?

  12. I caught a bit of it also and I stopped watching. I felt really bad for the machinist recreate the knuckle buster. The owner was a real jerk to him, especially since he had obviously no skill or understanding of the process required to make the gun. The poor kid told him that it was going to be a huge challenge because he couldnt get all of the measurements and the owner still chewed him out on his first attempt. The guy obviously liked to hear himself speak. I loved when the ranch owner with the huge collection asked him whether or not he was going to lecture him all day or buy guns. I may give another episode a try but I am thinking not.

  13. I think we're saying about the same thing here. I'm just trying to clarify the difference between "declaring war" and "Declaration of War".

    It's easy to confuse a DoW (the type of Congressional approval aka a bill to authorize an all out war) with declaring war (wording found in the Constitution).

    I hear you. In order to kill anyone without due process there has to actually be a declared war. This whole "incremental creep" that is slowly eating away our rights is frightening.

  14. Read it? How about I quote it and let you read it instead.

    Article 1 Section 8:

    "To declare war" as stated in the Constitution is not the same thing as " Declaration of War". A DoW is simply a formal document concerning the type of war.

    From Wiki:

    And in case you're wondering what war powers POTUS has under the Constitution:

    Article 2 Section 2:

    I dont remember the senate making any votes and approving any action that has been taken by our military. I guess I am with Ron Paul again on this one. This man has said it more than once that having the media call what is going on is wrong due to the fact that congress has not given a 2/3 approval for any of it. The fact that it says "today" in the wiki version says something. Does that mean when it was originally written it meant something else?. Our Constitution has become so bastardized its not even funny.

    War Powers

    Congress holds the power to declare war. As a result, the president cannot declare war without their approval. However, as the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, many presidents have sent troops to battle without an official war declaration (ex. Vietnam, Korea). The 1973 War Powers Act attempted to define when and how the president could send troops to battle by adding strict time frames for reporting to Congress after sending troops to war, in addition to other measures.

    The senate still has to be notified and approve the actions. If they do not then why even have a constitution.

    Article 1 Section 8 Powers of Congress

    11th line; To declare war.

    I just reread http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html. I didnt see anything under Executive powers to declare war.


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