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About Danno

  • Birthday 02/18/1986

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  • Location
    Smyrna, TN

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  1. Danno

    The next gun...

    Excellent, congrats! I've got an XD40 and I love the thing. It's a fantastic-shooting weapon.
  2. Howdy all! First things first, my name is Daniel. I've lived in the Smyrna area since my dad got a job at the Nissan plant in '92. I'm originally from Alabama, and I think a little bit of that crimson tide flows through my veins. I'm pretty sure I'd burst into flames if I ever tried to put orange on. To tell you a bit about my interests, I love disc golf, hiking, and pretty much anything else that gets me outside. I'm also a bit of a computer guy. I love building and repairing my own PCs. Finally, I have a love for wheelguns (though I never seem to purchase one when I'm shopping for a new weapon - something I'm hoping to rectify soon). I currently own a Springfield XD40 and a Ruger Mk. III, and I'm looking for a nice .357 to add to the collection at the moment.


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