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Posts posted by HvBikeWlTravel

  1. yeah I've been toying with the ideal of reloading for the .357 for a while now, looks like its time to take the plunge.

    The sooner you start the sooner you appreciate the benefits and satisfaction of loading your own. And .38/.357 is one of the easiest and cheapest setups to learn. 

    But I think you will realize in the final analysis you don't really save money by reloading. You just get to shoot more and enjoy it more for the same amount of expense.

    • Like 1
  2. Sorry you are dealing with such a traumatic situation. Hard on everyone involved.

    One of the toughest decisions I ever had to make was replacing live rounds with dummy loads in my Dad's .38. I had pressure from other family members long before I finally did it.

    I felt some guilt at taking away a mans right to protect his home, self and property. Especially the very person that had instilled the virtue in that right to me.

  3. Well since I didn't make it to the one in Nashville, I guess I'll put one together here in Columbia. anyone interested?


    I'd be more inclined to travel to Columbia. Or Spring Hill if there's a consensus.

  4. Fond memories for me. I spent my 18th Summer down there. 1971. The town is full of tourists attractions. I spent most of my time at the beach(2 beaches actually) or at the old Fort. Had a local "tour-guide". One of the best times of my life. I suspect it would be way too crowded for my taste today.

  5. Nothing good ever comes out of a group of dogs running around together in the woods. They start acting more wild the more that they do it no matter how they were raised or what environment they came from...its a natural instinct.

    I pretty much agree with this statement. I live in a rural area and have had several run-ins with packs or heard them chasing deer thru the woods. That's just one of 25 reasons to own a Rottweiler out in this neck of the woods. They can take care of themselves for the most part. And there's no shortage of coyotes yippin' in the distance after dark.

    • Like 1
  6. Back in the day that described most LEO's. In the late 80's and early 90's most departments had their officers qualify once per year, and that's the only shooting the officers did all year long. Don't know how it is today.

    Yes, this was in the mid 80's. All lived in Franklin. Great guys, but minimal concern over the weapons they carried which could potentially save their or someone elses life.

  7. When someone swears that some gun info is absolutely true because a cop told them.


    Example:  "My neighbors cousin is a cop, and he said that it is illegal to have more than 3 rounds loaded int any gun."


    Nothing against cops all of them that I personally know are great guys.  But they are not all gun guys, they just happen to carry one everyday.  I carry all kinds of stuff around everyday like hammers, ratchet straps, shovels, and motor oil yet I do not consider myself an authority "subject matter expert" on these things, they are just tools that I use to get my job done.  I will note that I've never heard this bologna come from the mouth of a cop, some of the cops I know are VERY well informed about guns because they have a personal interest, like us, instead it always starts with the "I know a cop..."


    Agreed. I've known 2 patrol officers and a Postal Investigator(required to carry) that knew little about the firearms they carried and just shot them when required to qualify periodically.

  8. I went without a sight(front or back) on my bargain basement New Haven 12 ga. pump with sawed off 18" barrel for many years. And I've tested many reload combos to see if there was a way to increase spread. Even with that "open" choke, not significant improvement. I'm in the camp(probably by myself) that would pick a shotgun in a house only after using all the ammo in the 10-15 handguns available. IF I happen to go outside with a little more room to maneuver, then I'll grab the 12 ga. I much prefer one hand free in a house. And I'm much more competent with a handgun.

    But to the OP point of contention, I do remember an assistant Chief of Police relating the story of how he purposely racked a round so as a troubled young man could hear inside. And when he went inside with a partner, the troublemaker had dropped his weapon and sat down at a kitchen table. Guess that has happened a few times. But I'm not gonna havta worry about rackin' since I keep one in the chamber of all my defensive firearms.

  9. I like your idea.  Probably a little further than I would care to drive(50 miles) in a 4-wheeler. Plus the Wildkitties are playin' tonight.

  10. Yep. I had a couple of Chicken incidents over the years with the Rottys. They were great with horses(after the first meetings), okay with most cats(if they didn't run) and great with kids. But chickens, bad news.

  11. About 35 years ago, about the time I was researching Rottweilers, I was told a story by an associate. A fellow with a Dobie had been clamped down on in the buttcheek by his 7-8 yr old dog. This was a dog that was a constant companion and trusted completely in various situations.  They had to put the dog down and found in an autopsy that the dog had a large brain tumor. This is NOT an indictment of Dobies.

    Rather a case for the fact that anything can happen when animals are involved.

  12. I think most folks that own Pit Bulls don't ever consider what they were originally bred for and that was to fight to the death in a pit for competition and gambling. Those Pit Bulls from back in the beginning are the same blood lines that about 99.9% of them at some level still have. Yea, you may have a Pit that is 25th+ generation from their beginning but somewhere deep in that dog is it's true breeding and you never know when or if it might show up. The other dog folks have failed to mention is the Doberman. It is another dog that was cross bred by the Germans back in the early days to be a mean vicious dog used by military for tracking and guard use. They are also a dog that was bred for a specific reason and they cannot be trusted. The Germans did this because they could not get this type of reaction out of the German Shepherds they had hope to achieve. It was a lot more difficult to make the Shepherds to be as aggressive as they wanted thus came the Doberman..............jmho   More and more these days your finding law enforcement beginning to use large generalized mutts for training and having great success with them.

    You should do a little research on the origins of the Doberman. Your version simply is not true. The very name Doberman is a reference to the tax collector that "created" the breed.

    • Like 3
  13. I think it has a lot to do with the demographic of the owners.  Your "less responsible" dog owners don't own Britanys and labs. 

    Demographics......................and intelligence!

    I had nothing but Rottweilers for 28 years. That's obedience-trained Rottweilers and I experienced no over aggression with any of them. They were very good with Kids, and for the over-whelming majority of the time with other animals. But all that "success" required early-on training and conditioning. Did I have to hit them, beat them, treat them rough? Hell no! Rottys will remember abuse. Just instruct with praise when they do something right and quick correction and the occasional shout if they were doing something wrong.  And be consistent.  No means NO. All the time! A lesson for many parents as well!

    Part of the reason for sticking with Rottys was the rock solid temperment. I could trust the ones I raised 100%. The one I got at 4 yrs-old not so much. She was a good dog but I'd look into those eyes and not always know what she was thinking. Would I leave any of them with a small child or baby. Again, hell no! A small child or baby does not need to be left unattended at any time IMHO.

    • Like 2
  14. Well, GTech over Miss. State was the biggest surprise/disappointment yet for me.  I'm starting to realize SEC teams can not merely show up for these Bowl match-ups. They gotta bring the intensity and strategy to win. And in about every game some lucky breaks or bad calls can affect the momentum.

  15. yea me either...that touchdown that the refs said wasnt a touchdown really screwed us...oh well, its been one of those years for Louisiana football. On to the next season!

    I agree that was a touchdown, but had the play-calling been more efficient/effective LSU would not have been in the tough position of trying a fake FG on 4th down.

    Not a Les Miles  fan. But I hope he stays there a long time.


                                                                                                        SEC Fan

  16. Haven't been to BG facility although I run past there frequently. Did stop at the Sidney facility some 25 years ago. OMGoodness! Huge place and Firearms I had only dreamed about. Well worth my time since it was air-conditioned and the ambient temp outside was pushin'110*.  And I was on a Bike.

  17. My only negative review was back in the 80's. Bought 2 Model 65s in Satin Nickel. One 3" and one 4". 3" was perfect. 4" appeared to have barrel cross-threaded to frame. Slightly crooked when you lined up the sights. Wish I had see that before I purchased. Anyway, sent back to Taurus and received fixed weapon in about 3 weeks. There were some tool marks on barrel. No biggy. It shot! Have had 2 PT92s and a 99. Cycled well but not very accurate. Currently have PT111, and 6 revolvers. All performing acceptably.


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