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Posts posted by G27

  1. He does have the right to search you without consent at that point. What he said was that if you further refuse the search, he'll teach you a lesson.

    Oh, I agree - I was just back-tracking as I had missed the part where he said he had already found some pot. With me, this isn't an issue - he won't find anything illegal on me, so quite frankly, he's not going to search my vehicle.

    And FWIW, I've always been incredibly respectful to LEO's when I've been in traffic stops, but don't expect me to surrender my rights - I'm doing NOTHING wrong outside for the minor traffic violation you've pulled me over for.

    Also, it rather pains me to say this, but even with my overtly respectful behavior, I've had the unfortunate experience of dealing with the most power-tripping unforgiving officers ever in many of my stops. Even had one give me a ticket for going 54 in a 45 @ 3AM when the ONLY car I saw was his after I was hurrying home from buying medication and a humidifier (it was al in the seat beside me) for my 5 month old sick baby. Hard to expect them to be looking out for my welfare when I've run into so many that seemed to be 5 year old kids with a badge...


    I made a massive mistake here. I scanned the post where Dave said he would 'teach someone a lesson' (paraphrased) and missed the key point - that he had already found some weed. My bad. In that case, I feel he already has every right to search without asking a thing, regardless of my attitude or answer, should he even be nice enough to ask me about searching my auto.

    Apologies to Dave and my bad.

    That being said, the 'teach someone a lesson' (again, paraphrased) part burns me up, but if I'm already caught with weed, I should think my claim on my 4th amendment rights have already been vacated...


  3. You said you'd punitively use your discretion to punish someone for daring to refuse a search. You'd "teach them a lesson" about exercising a Constitutional right. Whenever you, as an agent of the government, act to disparage or discourage the exercising of a Constitutional right, you are infringing upon that right.


    *stands and claps*

    (well, not really, as that would be both silly and pointless, and my family would think me crazier than they already do, but you get the point...)

  4. If I am presented with “do you have a warrant?†“Am I free to go?†“My Dads an attorney and he told me never to allow a cop to search my car.†I might decide that you need to learn something about both life and the law, and I hook both you and your car up and haul you off.

    Wow, no offense, but since when is it your job to teach the public anything? This comes off like a massive ego/power trip. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but man...

  5. Are you trading your truck for it? Do you have enough value in the truck to cover the diff ( I assume it's paid off, but you never know)? If you are paying cash, you'd have to go many, many, many thousands of miles at 15-17MPG to make the diff.

    Just something to think about.

  6. Hey guys, its been about 12 years since I've been by there but there use to be a outdoor range close to Galloway. I worked on the railroad and could see it from the track. Galloway is close to Arlington so it might be worth checking out. Don't know the name of the road to it but was about half a mile east of the only railroad crossing there. A lot of things change in that much time so it could be gone.-------MP

    Ahh, thanks, I'll look into that - Galloway is 5 minutes away!

  7. Gotta agree with the 9mm Carbine for all the reasons Tungsten stated. Most pistol caliber carbines are inherently very accurate. For example I have a Kel-Tec sub2000 in 9mm and (all kidding aside) I have to try really hard to miss with with it. Also a carbine is useful if you are in a more closed in area because of it's smaller size. A 9mm round coming out of a say 16 inch or so barrel is gonna have a lot more energy behind it than it will coming from a pistol barrel so it's pretty decent fire power to boot.

    I agree - love my Sub2k. Not sure I'd want to rely on it saving my life, but it's way more accurate than just my G22. But yah, bought it in the .40 Glock config so the mags are interchangeable. Stock up on ammo and if needed, I have a nice little duo ready for protection.

    Also agreed that if you need something that can reach out more than a couple hundred feet, you're likely already dead meat. Small, concealable and efficient are most important to me...

  8. 38 days - nice. I hope mine is processed that fast.

    That being said, I've set my mind that mine won't arrive until mid-August (approx 70 days) knowing that worst case, I'll likely be correct.

    But 38 days, very nice - congrats!

  9. Thanks for the answers, guys. Not sure I see a downside to making LEO's tell someone what their suspicion or cause is for a search. I would think the 4th amendment would help support my view that there's no reason an officer shouldn't tell us what his suspicion is, and would def make LEO's be certain they have a viable reason to search, instead of giving them hours (or more) to contrive something if needed.

    FWIW, I'm absolutely NOT anti-cop, I just wonder how many 'busts' have happened due top illegal searches where probable cause was manufactured later...

  10. It's the discussion that followed that puzzled me. The predominant argument seemed to be whether it is wrong or right to refuse a request, without RS/RC, for a search. I can't see how it is wrong or illegal. Conversely I can't see how an LEO asking for permission to search a vehicle is either wrong or illegal. I wondered if anyone disagreed with that.

    Gotcha, I'm with you. Seems pretty black and white to me - the law is pretty clear.

    I never did see an answer to the question of "does the officer have to tell you what the probable cause/reasonable suspicion was if asked?"...

  11. I've just read all of these threads and I'm puzzled. There's nothing wrong or illegal about an LEO asking for a search. There's nothing wrong or illegal about refusing a request for a search. I don't get it. Does anyone disagree with these statements? What's all the arguing about?

    Do you skip the original post? The OP's friend wasn't given the chance to deny a search as the officer claimed the LEGAL presence of the gun was RS/RC.

  12. What good are laws that

    1.) outlaw something that was already illegal, and

    2.) can apparently be violated with impunity?

    Every one of the LEOs, Guardsmen or any other officials involved should be doing hard time.


    Well, if what I hear is true, several/many guardsmen asked about the legality of their orders. IOW, there was question in their minds. The new laws are there to make it crystal clear that even in a situation like this, our 2A rights aren't to be 'suspended'.

    I'll never be against more laws that defend our 2A rights.


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