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Posts posted by Kimber451911

  1. I’ve got one with their supplied optic, and love it! There was some recoil spring questionable stuff out there early on so I called to ask, and they said only a few had issues but sent me the revised spring anyway. Canik stuff is great, and so are their customer service folks as well in my experience. 

  2. Smart folks are working on this. You can look at this thread alone and see that they’ve already caused gun owners to classify themselves as being in “different categories”.  Created animosity between gun-owners.. right here. Right here - I see the negative labeling of guys who are trading at gun shows.  

    For me personally.. if those old retired guys at the shows make a few xtra bucks trading guns, they’re far less of a risk on a quickly diminishing society, than the anti-Israel mob - the blm looting and burning mobs - the democratic politicians destroying cities by taking on ILLEGALS by the 1000’s - the pro-baby-murder crowd - the folks who invite men into women’s restrooms alongside your wife or daughter - and on, and on, and on, and on ….  there’s not even any reasonable comparison. 

    As most of us know, this ruling only serves to give a corrupt government a better chance at knowing what guns every individual owns, moving forward.  So.. a current corrupt government who has been instrumental in handing over millions of dollars worth of guns and military equipment to TERRORISTS overseas, is practicing communism in our country. And.. “we” as gun owners are immediately breaking off into groups to single out what the “other group” is doing wrong.  

    As noted above, they have some smart folks working on how to cause us to support their bs cause, without us “knowing” we are supporting their bs cause. 

    • Thanks 4


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