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Posts posted by LowBb

  1. Thanks man. I can honestly say ther are incredible teachers. I'm a band director in an inner city school and I spend more time with high school students than there parents do. They drop them off at school and leave them there. We give them tons of work to do, teach the boys manners and how to treat women and teach the girls to respect themselves and that they don't need a man to be complete. If that's liberal than I'm guilty as hell. I just got home after spending 13 hours working with my band kids at school and then taking others to a special county band contest where we pushed them harder than they have EVER been pushed. Most teachers strive to be great. There is so much pressure to be good, more than people know. Come look at our evaluation criteria and you'll see. Sure there are some bad teachers. But there are bad lawyers and doctors etc.

    My second day on the job a little sophomore girl comes to me and says her moms boyfriend is raping her. She came to me because she trusted me. She was a band kid and had just gone through summer camp. We blew the case open. There are many many more stories where that came from. Like the kid that told me he saw his mom get her chest blown away from a drug dealer with a gun.

    Homeschooling is a great thing. However until people are ready to spend more time than just dropping off their kids at school and maybe picking them up, then.........
    • Like 2
  2. Ok I'm a teacher so.... To be real, all I've read in this thread is negative opinion about liberal this and that. How is math liberal? How is music liberal? How is dissecting a freakin frog liberal? Someone give me facts please instead of opinion. I've never heard of anyone get in trouble for playing with light sabers or pretend army or anything else that normal kids do.

    And, these s$&@ for brain principals and teachers spend a great amount of their lives not only raising our kids but also studying how to do it better!!! I've spent probably more time and research into being a better teacher than many have EVER done at their jobs. Come work in my world someday. See kids that come to school because they can have lunch. Try working 16 hour days for months on end. Think of the coaches at your high school. You think they didn't give it their all??

    I take total offense to people that make statements and have no fu$&!&g idea what really goes on at a public school. How many of you have spent ANY time at all in your kids classes??

    And to the original poster. Yea, that is bull$$&t. I'd be mad too!!!

    Kids will draw superheroes. My 7 year old does it every day. At school and at home.
    • Like 2
  3. I'll be in the Cleveland TN area the next couple of days and might have a few hours to burn. Can anyone recommend a gun shop in the area? I've been searching the site and found the name Gun Slingers. Is it still around?
  4. Realize that Cali is and always has been the most "progressive" (don't shoot the messenger) state in the union. However, very often Cali will foreshadow what could happen for the rest of the country. For gun owners, this is not good. For me personally, I don't like the magazine and shotgun regulations.

    I don't understand how you can have a 10 round max yet still have a fixed mag. Are they saying you get one mag only and beyond that you have to have a tool to change out? If so, does this go for the police as well? Nothing against police of course, but you see the problem.
    • Like 1
  5. Watching recorded SOU. seems very forced and the room is divided. Too divided. I know some will say I'm a commi pinko faggot tree- hugging liberal, but I'd love to see everyone on the same page. I don't care what page it is at this point because we will know when we are there.


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