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Posts posted by Volzfan

  1. Is there anyone better than Kyle Busch right now? He sure made getting around Jimmy Johnson look easy! I have not been a Kyle Busch fan but he doesn't seem to be the "Little Prick" that he used to be. He's one hellava driver. Like him or not I have to admit that fact.

  2. I stopped by Guns & Leather this afternoon and they referred me to S&W directly. I called S&W and gave them the model # & serial # and they got it ordered. I found out that this gun was manufactured in 1984. I had traded for it at a gun show about 3 years ago and had no idea about it's history. I would love to know where the gun has been.

    Anyone know how to track it?

    Thanks for the advise.

  3. I've got a S&W Model 686 w/4" barrel. It was stolen from my home in a burglary in Dec. 2006. I have just gotten it back from the MPD after it was recovered from an apt. in Napier homes while the Sherriff's Dept was evicting a tennant.

    The gun is in great shape with the exception of the rear sight missing. Can someone tell me where would be the best place to get a replacement.


  4. If you clean your weapon every time you shoot (like you should) you will probablly not have an issue with wolf.

    My feeling exactly. I've run around 1000 rounds of 40 cal thru my Ruger P-94 and have had no problems except that I seem to have a little more green buildup in my wallet than with other brands!

  5. Yes I carry every normal day. Flew to Daytona Beach last month for vacation and left my gun at home. My gun is on the nightstand while sleeping, on the bathroom vanity while in the shower then on my belt till time for bed. Fortunately my employer has no problem with it. They have even showed some interest in getting a gun themselves. I will normally keep it with me while doing yard work. I nearly shot a neighbor's dog that charged me while I was cutting my grass. My gun was drawn and the dog in my sights when he finally got control of the dog.

    You just never know when it will be needed.

  6. This is the first forum that I have ever been involved with and I would like to know what the definition of a "Troll" is. Can someone please enlighten me?

    If being an absolute jerk is close then Joeocoee was one.

  7. I am not a LEO but may I make a suggestion? Last year I took a citizens class about the Metro Nashville Police Dept called the Citizens Police Academy. This years class is going on now. During that class I got the opportunity to do 2 ride-alongs in the South Precinct. That was eye-opening. You should contact your closest precinct commander and see if you can get to do a ride-along. That will give you an 8 hr shift to pick an officer's brain. If I was not 50 I would look at joining.

  8. [/color]

    Kinda like the Coca-Cola 600 used to be the World 600. What irks me is the announcers refering to a driver as "the 1988 Sprint Champion", last year it was "the 1988 Nextel Champion." NO, they are "the 1988 Winston Champion", unless they gave them a new trophy and destroyed the old one.

    I am with you 100% on the Winston Cup. I know that NASCAR has a contract with Sprint but All of those previous champions were WINSTON CUP champions!! RJ Reynolds and the Winston brand played a huge part in getting NASCAR where it is today and I don't think that they should just pretend that they don't exist now.

    Yes, I am "OLD SCHOOL" but I have been a fan since the mid 70's and I can't just let it go.

    Firecracker 400

    Southern 500

    World 600


    Those really were the good old days when everything NASCAR did was not all about the money.

  9. So, when it comes to the restaurant carry issue, I have no issue with the "concealed is concealed" folks. They've made a personal decision that the risk of arrest is more acceptable than the risks of disarming. The only real reason to take issue with them IMO is the potential message these folks might send to fence-sitters on the carry issue.

    To me the risk of giving up my HCP isn't worth the risk of carrying into Applebee's or Logan's, etc.. I'll go to Cracker Barrel or some other like them instead or just leave my heat in the car.

  10. TNT is about to take over as the best network. I have been a big Fox fan but tonight may have won me over. I think that Wally is the weak link but still not that bad. He is a better broadcaster than he was a driver.

  11. NASCAR has gone downhill but I think it is mainly because of the safety issues that have been put in place since DE died. I am hoping that this new car will turn into a good race car soon. I go to the races in Bristol and they are not the same either. Last Aug. Busch race was good but the Cup race sucked. The spring races were better and I am hoping for the best come August.

  12. The only time that I have been called was back in the early 90's and that is long before I got my HCP. At that time I was in a Ch 13 bankrupcy from a failed business. I was working on a salary + commission with a company. They would pay the salary but I would have gotten no commission while on JD. The judge had already told us that he almost never granted hardship excuses fom serving. Fortunately for me, they had called in more potential jurors that they needed so I was dismissed for that reason. Had I had to serve as a juror on a long, time consuming case I would not have been able to make the payments on my bankrupcy. I would hope that this judge would have let me off with my reasons. I had all of my paperwork in case I had to present it to him.

    I too believe that JD is something that you should do if called and since I have been in better position to serve I have not been called. Even so, I would doubt that I would make it through the lawyers interviews.


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