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Posts posted by ken56

  1. Back when I was working for a big 3 automaker in the maintenance dept. we had 'Walt', a millwright who was always doing something that HE thought was  funny. He filled a balloon with acetylene and a touch of oxygen, now this was twice the size of a basketball, and waited for someone to come out of the supervisors offices that were right across the aisle from the work shop. I don't know what he set up to touch it off but he was some distance away and could only see that someone came out of the office and he set it off. OMG it was one of the biggest BOOMS I ever heard and this thing was not but maybe 5 feet away from the superintendent of the dept. when it blew. The man jumped 3 feet in the air and then fell all over himself trying to stay on his feet. He had to have thought he was a dead man. And no, Walt was not fired.

    • Haha 1
  2. On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 8:08 PM, A.J. Holst said:

    Unfortunately Erik, there are more of "them" than there are of you.

    The great news is you, BTR, and my son are superstars amongst your peer group.

    Regarding the health care topic, .gov doesn't really do a good job managing much of anything, .gov programs always cost more than estimated, and it adds lifetime and legacy benefits to .gov payroll (which was one of the causes for the GM bankruptcy)

    Regarding Medicare, you are automatically enrolled upon your retirement date. 

    I personally paid an assload of income  tax alone last year and didn't reach the $250k millionaire threshold, so not particularly interested in paying more.

    Spot on comment. If Medicare is so great then I want the politicians to be the first to have their plans cancelled. I'm coming up on having to enroll at 65 and have some studying to do on it so at 31 I doubt Eric that you know much about Medicare either. It seems to me that the offer of loan forgiveness is the driving appeal to the college crowd to vote Democrat.

  3. The NRA sees  this as a pathway to national reciprocity. They compromise on this and they put the pressure on to get national reciprocity passed. Its the NRA's holy grail at this time as they believe it will open the door to states that refuse 2A rights to non residents. Legislators also know that they can turn it into leverage on other issues.

  4. Stayed here the first time last October and I noticed the sign at the entrance said No Firearms. Stayed again this spring and the sign was still there so after we got home I sent the park manager an e-mail pointing out their non compliance of state law (pre-emption). I finally received a response today and was informed that the signs have been updated and an assurance that carry is indeed legal as long as you have your permission slip. Who'da thunk it, an e-mail can have an impact. Tims Ford is the closest state park to Lynchburg and uncle Jack. Great park too if you have never been.

  5. On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 6:25 PM, bersaguy said:

    If the law in the state of Tennessee states that if you have a legal carry permit and you can carry it in a location such as this I would carry if I planned on attending it.

    It's about time the envelope is pushed to show these people that the state law trumps their postings. If folks keep backing down what good is the law? I carry is several parks around Gallatin that were or are posted when I take Kasey out to the park to let her run around some where pets are allowed.

    I have to agree with bersaguy on this. Those that are saying to just conceal are firstly advocating breaking the law in carrying past a posted no guns sign.......BUT this is not private property and in these cases if we as gun owners don't start letting venues like this know that they cannot just post a gun buster sign any 'ol place they wish to have a festival that's contrary to state law we accomplish nothing in advancing legal carry by law abiding people. This is exactly where an opportunity exists to exercise your rights and openly display that right.

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  6. Should you go ahead with plans to rent/lease to another family, essentially strangers, get with an attorney first and develop an iron clad lease/rental agreement to make sure you can evict them if they start doing things you can not tolerate...like  growing illegal things....or cooking illegal things..... or even just not taking care of this nice house you so generously want to rent out.

    You fell into the age old trap of thinking your adult children and their spouses have the same dreams and vision that you do. Now you have a huge investment in what your pictures show to be a beautiful piece of property all predicated on the false thinking that your daughter and son in law would like this same lifestyle......until the reality set in. If you did not make them invest their own money into this then they feel no obligation to help you out. Just walk away and leave you in the predicament of taking care of it now. Good luck with it.

  7. Thanks BigK for addressing the issue with your honest point of view, one which I can agree with. Do you think these 2 should be charged with a crime and what crime do you believe they committed? I know info is limited at this point but we seem to like to speculate here.

    I will say it again too, all I am trying to do here is have a discussion on what they did and how it was handled, not a "what idiots" pile on fest. That's too easy.

    As it is, there is history in Detroit where a man walked into a precinct and opened fire. No officers were injured I don't believe but the perp did get his wish of suicide by cop.

  8. Good morning gentleman, in spite of accusations of my "disdain" for LEO I will just say that I have high respect for any LEO that conducts himself with professionalism and knows and understands the very laws we entrust him to uphold. I do not think they walk on water and deserve more leeway in the law than the citizen, being held to a LOWER standard than what the citizen is held to. Is that too much to ask of them?

    Just like with the controversy  over the presidents travel ban, the issue with what these guys did is ...was it legal (and were they justly arrested).  The police act outside the law at times and I just want the good officers to be just in the application of the law, not to jam people up for lawful conduct and actions. I have great respect for those officers that do their job within the constraints placed upon them by our constitution, they themselves are not ABOVE the law.

    The carry of firearms is enshrined in the MI State Constitution so it will take great effort to take that away from its citizens, unlike TN that has the wording of 'with an eye toward preventing crime' wiggle room in it. We are either free men or we are not and I feel the requirement of a license to carry in public in this state is unconstitutional. That's just my opinion.

    As to common sense, I stated that I did not agree with their method. I do not advocate going full tactical and making a spectacle  of ones self if he is trying to advance the idea that good people carry firearms too, we must project a better image than that. The MI forums have pretty much the same response as this forum and not many support it. What they do support is that  LAWFUL acts should not be criminalized, no matter how lacking in common sense it is.

    Heck, all I was doing here is playing devil's advocate and trying to make a good discussion out of what was just a pile on of "what idiots" these guys are. We went through this over people in TX before they enacted their open carry law. You all called those guys idiots too for carrying their AR's into a fast food restaurant. Well, its seems they accomplished their goal of getting open carry of handguns legalized. Good for them. Long gun open carry was their only avenue to do that. I say good job on them.

    Think what you will of me gentleman but we are more alike than we are different.

  9. The Bill of Rights is a constraint on GOVERNMENT, not what individuals do or say.  The Constitution enumerates the duties and obligations of GOVERNMENT, not private individuals. The Constitution AFFIRMS the natural rights bestowed upon an individual by his creator that the GOVERNMENT is (supposedly) barred from infringing upon those rights. Threats between individuals is NOT 1st amendment protected free speech.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Sam1 said:

    Do you think there were constraints put on the first amendment before people started using it as a legal excuse when they were charged with making threats of doing bodily harm to someone or inciting an incident?  Or do you think it happened after morons started trying to use it as an excuse to be morons?

    Apples to oranges there. Threats are not free speech. Actually inciting a riot or "incident" is not free speech.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Sam1 said:

    police station, school, church, mall, your own house... you said previously that it doesn't matter because it is legal, and you took my bait on the school post. That's the point I was trying to get across, everyone has boundaries no matter what they try to project.  It just took a little bit of baiting to get you to admit that they do exist and common sense does apply in most situations.



    Wow, sure you aren't a member of mommies demand action too? And BTW< its legal to openly carry a firearm into a school (with a permit) in MI too. I don't hide the fact I carry a firearm around town here and am amazed how quick to attack people who do on here. I exercise my 2A right as I see fit. Baiting? and admit to what exactly?  I don't go all tactical when I carry, I look good and act politely. Did what they did defy "common sense". To most people it did I can agree. You have to know these guys history to understand what and why they do what they do. Again, If we willingly give up rights while engaged in legal activity we have no hope of ever retaining any of our rights.

  12. 55 minutes ago, mikegideon said:

     "I don't fully condone their actions and methods either but they did NOTHING ILLEGAL"

    I maintain they did nothing illegal. Open carry of any firearm in MI is legal WITHOUT a permit. Masks are legal to wear anywhere. Looking like GI Joe is legal. They will charge them with some BS thing like disorderly conduct or inciting panic. I will try to keep up on exactly what the charges are.

  13. Time will tell what charges and outcome will be for them. The one guy only had a camera and tripod and was not armed and was still arrested, on what I do not know.  Dave said "Had the barrel of that rifle moved in the direction of the officers...".... even if his hand was nowhere near the trigger? The police may get away with a shooting like that but not a mere citizen. That's part of the rub for me, citizens have the inalienable right to bear arms and the police do not have the authority to usurp that right if no crime has been committed. They do it all the time though, and we citizens comply .....or die for our convictions.


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