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Posts posted by stick1

  1. [quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1352325872' post='841359']
    We were never considered a Christian-Judeo nation, even by the Founding Fathers. See the Treaty of Tripoli, written in 1796, approved by the 2nd President, a certain John Adams.
    See the treaty's article 11.

    This misconception is a more recent creation.
    [/quote] This has never been evidence of secular nation, it has been tried to ,but this was also superceded later by the Treaty of Peace and Amity 1805. The Mayflower Compact of 1620 casts a whole different picture than what you bring with a treaty between 2 nations . The MC was an agreement of "founding fathers" fathers if you will.
  2. [quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352480616' post='842516']
    Considering that most of the people that you are talking about are combat veterans, I want to tell you that you don't know what the f*ck you are talking about when you limit sacrifices for this country to whatever inbreed gene pool that created you.

    Secondly, I stand by what I said. YOU NEED A MENTAL EVALUATION!
    [/quote] LOL
  3. [quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352404947' post='841964']
    Any of you Rambo-wannabes hoping for 'civil unrest' need to get the heck out of this country. Only a maniacal loser would wish for anything like that.

    We don't need your kind.
    [/quote] This countrys freedoms was brought about by patriots who stood up revolted and warred among themselves. If everyone would have just got out of the country who didnt want to live as slaves or bow down to what they knew was wrong, only those like you would remain. Folks like Robert Nashville, LINKS2K, HvyMtl and the like could all be servants to the power that be , in my ancestors and family we have done just that, and sacrificed life for the freedoms of this nation, so you probably wouldnt understand. Dont try to imitate patriotism by standing behind the ones who enslave you.
  4. [quote name='kesava' timestamp='1352310450' post='841097']
    I think he's been doing a fantastic job. I'm a hard working American that believes in responsible gun rights. Not trolling, just sharing. It seems that most people who were pro Romney didn't see the fallacy in his economic policy. He Is out of touch. All of this anti obama rhetoric will subside when we see that he's been doing a fantastic job a the economy continues to recover and unemployment continues to drop
    [/quote] well great , you and your family I hope will suffer deeply. commie
  5. Romney! Excellent talker! Fast talker! He would make an excellent car sales man! But he should really keep his mouth shut! Every thing he says are lies, just talk, and horse ####!

    m a y be n e x t i m e h e w i l l s l o w i t d o w n s o a l l y o u l i b t a r d s c a n u n d e r s t a n d .
    • Like 2
  6. If anyone with half of a brain that watched the last couple of nights clearly delineating the differences between the commie and his destructive policies and the Romney/Ryan plans of resurrecting American exceptionalism, then there can be no question as to who we have to unify behind in this election. Talk all you want to about third parties, but the countdown to saving America as we've always known is now, not 2016 or anytime thereafter. The demise of America is imminent, and sticking your head in the sand and wishing for a third party while the clock is one minute till destruction is not getting done what needs to be done at this moment of clear and present danger our country faces. Uniting behind Romney-Ryan is the only hope we have for saving America. The clock is ticking down.

  7. Sigmtnman, I suspect that you really are an Obama supporter if you cannot find fault and see the disaster Obama is bringing upon our nation, and see that Obama is the most dangerous POTUS we've ever had. Pull that lever for Obama, if that's your wish, but don't complain when you have to start saying comrade to your fellow commies.

  8. its a 2 party thing and thats probably not gonna change very soon , so if you vote for the 3rd party man you are looking for weakness in the 1st and 2nd parties voting base but if only one of the 1st or 2nd parties voters show a vote of support for the 3rd party then the only accomplishment of the 3rd was to hand victory to either opponent but not win himself thats why with the 2 party system you have left leaning or right leaning canidates within each party and it is all about the money in the end Im not saying its right but Im not falling for the 3rd party utopian promise either

    • Like 2
  9. There were other people running for President, so the idea that you could only vote for Kerry or Bush is a false dichotomy. It is that mindset that causes the perpetuation of the two party system which is a false dichotomy.

    GWB should be judged in and of himself. He had the chance to not sign the patriot act, but did so anyways and now we are further down the path to a totalitarian government. Obama has continued most of Bush's policies and in many ways is merely Bush 2.0.

    In other words you could have wasted your time and voted for some other candidate that didnt ever stand a snowballs chance in hell.
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