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jeffmem last won the day on February 9 2023

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About jeffmem

  • Birthday 10/30/1970

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  1. Beautiful pistol with factory locking case. I took it as a trade thinking i might try competition but could use the money. $1650 tn resident only, prefer hcp holder, im near Memphis
  2. 5.7 8 boxes:$320 22mag 2 packs of 125: $50 22lr approx 1350 rds: $80 9mm approx 1600 rds: $320 30 carbine approx 260 rounds: $200
  3. Beretta 682x trap over under shotgun. Stock has been cut down as you can see in the pictures. It probably needs to be cleaned / lubed. I haven't fired it probably 10 years. $1100 $1500
  4. Continuing my collection purge. Located in oakland tn near memphis. Springfield 1903, low serial. I have shot it and its a very accurate rifle at 100 yards. $1200 tn residents only, legal to own, hcp holder preferred sold
  5. Ideally would like to sell this all as a lot. Trading it in to a pawn shop for guitar stuff so they dont pay very well. Would do $200 for 15 boxes of 50 on the 40sw
  6. its all training stuff, federal, etc. FMJ but not hollow point/personal defense.
  7. 15 boxes of 40s&w 64 rounds (8 enbloc magazines of 8 ) in pouches, extra enbloc clips and pouches. For M1 garand 61+ boxes of 50 federal 22lr 36grain, copper hollow tip (~3100+ rounds) Couple of ammo cans - take all $500
  8. Sold off most of my collection and dont need this. Pickup in oakland tn (near memphis) $900 66.5” tall by 35.5” wide by 28” deep (approx)


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