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Posts posted by rmiddle

  1. Ok so I made a positive id on a suspect today. Clearly the large holes on our property are being made by ground hogs. I was mowing today and watched him go across the field and right down its hole.

    Aside from the obvious how do I get rid of them? Is there something I can put down to cause them to move on?

    I always try not to harm animals but when we get livestock I don't want them to step in one of their holes and have issues.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.



    Enough dynamite to destroyed a golf course seemed to work for Bill Murry :)




    • Like 1
  2. Weren't there reports of Maryland cops targeting out-of-state cars?  There was at least one case where a guy from Florida was detained and his car searched because they knew he owned a gun (that he left at home), and the authorities refuse to explain how the officer knew that the victim had a gun.  Presumably it was because the Florida carry license is connected to his driver's license or license plate, and Maryland somehow had access to that database.


    Here is one story: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/01/robert-farago/are-md-cops-targeting-out-of-state-gun-owners-for-traffic-stop-searches/


    And more about their license plate readers in general with mention of the Florida gun owner:  http://phasezero.gawker.com/inside-the-military-police-center-that-spies-on-baltimo-1700670585


    I live in the state of MD for a few more weeks at least and know several people in law enforcement.  From the LEO I know they have never seen anything like that in there system. If there is a link in some system it isn't available to most of law enforcement.  That case is screwed up in so many ways and there are anti in every state.  Maryland law allows weapons to be transported as long as they are unload and ammo is not in the same case as the weapon pretty much the FOPA standard.  The only difference is in the case of Handguns you must be taking it to one of a handful of places these include to a range and home so it you stay the night in the state make sure you leave the guns in the hotel when you go out for food.  Unlike CA the law doesn't include the word direct but many LEO's believe it to be there so it is better to not test fate.  Maryland's laws are bad just not as bad as NJ, NY, or CA.


    PS.  We don't have any laws limiting transport of higher capacity mags just buying and sell them.  We have laws regarding M1A, AK47, and AR15 (None HBar) purchased after Sept 1, 2013 but I don't know is there is an issue transporting them though the state but I doubt you could buy those in MA anyway.




  3. Hi all,


    This is my first post and visit to this site, so please excuse me if I am in the wrong topic area.


    I currently live in the horrible state of Massachusetts (Boston area), but there is a fairly decent chance that my wife and I will be relocating to Nashville this fall. We have family in TN and KY, so we are trying our best to make this happen even though it will be a stress fest getting it all put together.


    My question is in regards to how in the hell to get my firearms down to TN should I move. I know about FOPA law, but I also know states like NY and NJ don't typically give a damn and have arrested people in the past for trying to move firearms through the state, even when clearly in compliance with FOPA. I believe TN honors my MA LTC (license to carry), so I think I'm all set with possession once I cross state line, though I if I understand correctly, I'd need a license in TN to actually conceal carry(?). 


    At any rate, just looking for suggestions on how to get them down there safely, legally and in one piece. I could ship I suppose, but not sure if law allows private citizen to private citizen interstate, even though it's no a sale or transfer. I do have family in both Nashville and Louisville, so if I could some how legally get the stuff down there, I could just pick it up on the way (Louisville) or when I get to Nashville.


    Thanks for any advice, and I realize you guys aren't firearms lawyers, so don't worry, I know this is all just general advice/opinion.


    I don't know anything about CT and don't know if you need to go though that state at all.  Avoid New Jersey State and New York City at all costs there are a few other bad county's in New York state I would personally head west and go down the center of the state and avoid the eastern side of the state.  I would suggest not getting a hotel in New York state to avoid accidentally staying in one of the bad parts of the state and plan your route according.  Most other parts of the county are generally pretty good with FOPA carry.  PA shouldn't be a problem.  MD state isn't as bad as either NY or NJ.  MD laws pretty much matches FOPA and if anything might be a little loser.  You shouldn't need to go into DC at all.  VA wont be a problem.   




  4. Do Not come to Cleveland!!! ;) Our traffic is bad enough for a former small town. LOL


    To Late.  My appraisal was today.  Baring something going wrong with the Title search I highly doubt that anything is going to stop us buying our new home.




  5. The news certainly  isn't having trouble finding shooting to talk about lately.certainly.


    Right now they are stubbing over themselves trying to figure out which one to cover and most of them all are just crazy bizarre.


    Mom takes 3 slugs, saves 2 kids




    Officer Brian Moore 25 in shot in NY last Saturday.




    The Texas shooting  (ISIS claims)  at least the news has been positive for the cop shooting them

    Somehow, cop won gunfight.



    There have always been lots of shooting.  The media just started reporting on them more since they are tiring to push though gun control.




  6. Not a new member to the board but I have officially escaped from Marylandastan and now living on Signal Mountain!! :wave: :wave:


    I am in the process of buying a house in the Cleveland area right now.  Looking to escape Marylandastan myself.

    • Like 1
  7. What's going on with the 22 ammo? I really don't understand why there is still a shortage of it. I mean ,yeah you can get it if you want to pay .10 or more a round .


    It is simple supply hasn't out paced demand.  Once supply is finally able to overcome the current demand then the prices will start to drop we say that with 5.56/.223, .45, and other Calibers that were hard to find.  Then production was finally able to fill the void and now I can find 5.56/.223 on the shelves of Walmart on a regular bases.  At some point the supply will finally meet demand and we will start seeing it on the shelves regularly.




  8. I think this should seriously be considered.  Since they have used fiscal notes in the past to torpedo similar bills, we should think them for passing this law by completely eliminating the burden of maintaining or removing the signs.  Basically, a few volunteers with a step ladder and wrenches could remove the signs and graciously leave the posts for these municipalities to post whatever other signs they want.  They wouldn't have to spend one cent on employee hours to do anything with signs anymore.  


    If the municipalities refuse, then it would indicate that they don't really care about the cost associated with sign removal, but they do care for the confusion and doubt the signs might cause to legal carriers.


    If you are serious you should offer to replace them with new signs that comply with the new law.  If there signs are anything like Maryland they will have 3 or 4 things on the signs other then the no gun part.  




  9.  I clicked on the Alliant website back several weeks ago looking up a recipe. As I was looking around I saw an offer for a free 2015 reloader's guide. I clicked on the offer and filled out the information. I had totally forgotten about this when it came in the mail today. Nice paperback book with handgun, shotgun and rifle loads for all the Alliant brand powders. This guide is much more information and gives a lot of detail the reloader's guide on the website does not provide. The site does allow a download of the booklet, but for me, this is easier to use as I can keep it on my bench and refer to it as needed. Just thought some of you guys might benefit from another reliable source for reloading recipes. 


    Always a good idea to include a link to the site in question.


    Helpful to include the actual link



    • Like 2
  10. I heard similar, that it was retribution for attempting to unionize. This is what is going around at Target as to why they were shut down.


    Walmart has closed stores down for attempting to Unionize in the past.  Walmart make it clear that attempting to Unionize is a no no.




  11. I hear a lot of "nobody notices open carry", "you could carry a howitzer and most wouldn't notice", etc. I think most of those folks are actually "almost" carrying concealed, with service size heater or smaller tight to side with at least a shirt covering half of it or more.


    Carrying a gat completely open with tucked in shirt and no jacket or whatever is going to be noticed, simple as that. I know because I've done it, and have gotten that attention. By what overall percentage depending on size of the thing and whatnot is debatable, but doesn't matter to me if it's only 1 in 20, I simply don't want the attention.


    I also hear the "it's so much more comfortable" and "most expedient way to deploy" claims, and there's a lot of truth in that -- however, whether you mean it as such or not, a completely exposed roscoe is also an attention getting statement. And gawd knows based on the appearance of some folks I see doing it, not one that conveys a positive image to the average John Q in any way, either. (I'll include myself in that category at times, btw).


    All that being said, of course I support your right to do it. But I'll stay in gray man mode myself, for a variety of reasons.


    - OS


    I currently live in the hell hole of Maryland but even here I see cop's, security guards, etc open carry.  Before I owned a handgun I never noticed any of them.  After buying my first handgun I saw them all over the place.  I think most people who aren't into guns wont notice them.




  12. And when you cancel your Comcast service and don't return "their" modem (because you don't have one), they will send you a bill for $100 for "their" modem (that you don't have) and when you refuse to pay for "their" modem (that you don't have) they will turn "the matter" over to a collection agency that will call you several times a day saying that you owe $100 for "their" modem (which you don't have) and that your credit rating is about to be ruined due to failure to return "their" equipment (which you dont have). This is what they did to me.


    Send a letter to the local cable commission with a copy of the receipt and file a complaint.  Comcast will generally fix there shit when the local cable commission starts asking questions.




  13. Vermont. Also Alaska. Wyoming too, but for residents only.


    Now Arkansas seems to, but not completely clear there apparently?


    - OS


    New Hampshir and Arizona has had CC longer then any of the other states you listed.  Although there have been several that have virtually no requirements others then a few buckets and a form with the state and the number of bad shoots is so low the anti media has only found 1 case to talk about and the guy was found not guilty.




  14. Been an occasional visitor to the site for over a year, but it is looking more promising that we will actually move.  We spent a week or so in TN in the Spring of last year just looking around.  After lots of research TN is now at the top of our short list of where we would like to move.  We spent another week in the Tri City area in February, the week before you guys got hit with all the snow. Had a realtor  this time who drove us all over looking at houses for 4 days and we did some additional looking on our own a couple of more days.  Even checked out a gun store we were driving by.  Was interesting when I told the fellow behind the counter I was checking out gun shops if we relocated.  He asked where I lived and I told him NY and he said "Welcome to America".


    Anyway I think we are sold on Eastern TN now we just have to find the right house. The realtor adjust his search criteria a little when I told him a big plus would be room for a small range. We are planning another trip down in April/May.


    Hopefully you will welcome (or at least tolerate) a conservative that wants out of the Socialist Republic of NY. We hope to be moved before another Winter comes.  I know you have had a rough Winter but it would be a welcome change compared to Winter 2 miles South of Lake Ontario.




    You are not the only one looking at moving.  I am less then 3 weeks from going down to look at housing myself.  Maryland is almost as bad as Eastern New York but I understand that Western New York isn't as bad.  Either way there seems to be a lot of us header down south.




  15. Man I would hate to be one of the guys schlepping those safes around. Surely they have a convenient (read easy) way of moving those bad boys around? Or are they doing it with good ol manual labor?


    That kinda of weight isn't going to be moved with just men alone.  I am sure they use some kind of forklift.




    • Like 1
  16. Comcast keeps trying to charge me rent on my cable modem. I've called and corrected them at least four times now.


    Someone messed up when entering your modem into there system.  There is a bit inside the Comcast system that determines if the modem is owned by Comcast or the customer.  If someone makes a typo well entering the modem.  Generally only a field tech in the local office can fix the modem settings.  Once a mistake is made phone agents can remove the charges but the next audit the charges will be added back on.  Generally only someone from the local office can fix it.  Someone over the phone really can't.  The best a phone agent can do is generally send a message to the local field office and ask them to fix and I would say about 90% of the phone agents wouldn't know how to even go about doing that.


    You best bet to getting it fixed is to go into a local office.  Not a Kios at some mall but one of the standalone centers bring the modem and your receipt and ask if there is anyone onsite who can fix the record.  The only other option is the next time you have a field tech in your home get him to call his dispatcher to have it fixed.




  17. Nope, it's a felony by state law but there is no federal law against carrying. If there was Utah could not arm teachers and they are doing that.


    There actually is a federal law but the way it is written a state permit can allow you to carry.  A Utah permit allows you to carry in a Utah school.  I know there are a few other states that allow it as well not sure what they are off the top of my head.





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