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Posts posted by Daps

  1. In 2007, he voted against a very similar resolution.

    I think he was trying to not diss Brooks, and not be counted against the right to carry at the same time, was his only out actually.

    You could see him register acceptance of some of the valid arguments offered up in opposition to the Resolution.

    He was torn, so he took the politically acceptable route of "Present, not Voting"!

    I was really talking about having a so called brotha to brotha talk with Brooks and Buchanan ahah. I figured Johny wouldn't vote, that's what I meant by him not voting and me not being surprised. I wanted to question 1 on 1 off the record so to say...

  2. That's true they can do that. I posted in a thread a few minutes ago that they could do that but I really wish they law had either passed saying yes park carry is allowed or just left it banned. Simply because one city may allow which looks like none are or allow one park but not another.

    Didn't the law also not require new signs to be posted?

    *edit to add*

    I'd be surprised if the sportsplex was making any money. They have a ton or promos going on that they are trying to use to get people out there. Soccer fields would have been a better bet. Jackson Area Wide Soccer(JAWS) brings in more money. The city needs to spend on money at Jones Creek Golf Course(Muni Course) and get those crappy greens fixed :-)

  3. I really wish the gun in parks bill didn't pass as is. I wish it had been either yes you can carry or no you still can't carry by state law.

    Looks like the majority of the city parks are going to be banned and from my understanding they can ban one park but allow carry in another, making it all that more confusing or go to the next city over and they allow carry but your city doesn't.

  4. Here are their talking points...pay close attention to #4.

    1. Bars can often be sites of confrontation. The last thing we need in them is ready access to firearms.

    Bar's are still banned as far as I know

    2. When firearms are allowed on bar premises, bars' and restaurants' liability insurance skyrockets, leading to higher prices for food and beverages.

    Are there any stats for this? I pretty sure some insurance companies would raise some fees

    3. Servers don't need to be in the position of patting down customers, or asking them if they have a permit for their weapon. They aren't policemen.

    Why would a server pat me down? No they aren't the police nor would I let a server pat me down

    4. According to the law, people carrying guns can't drink in the bar, which means they're taking up a seat that could be used by a paying customer.

    Bars are still prohibited I think but just because I don't drink doesn't mean I wouldn't buy some hot wings or shoot pool

    5. You've seen kids get out of hand in restaurants. Imagine the tragedy of one going through mommy's purse and pulling the trigger on her gun. Or what if some homicidal drunk who doesn't have a gun decides to grab one he sees on another patron? Concealed doesn't mean "hidden."

    I answer this with a few weeks ago a Sheriff grandson got in her purse while shopping at the Goodwill and put a bullet through the ceiling and she's back at work.

    6. Guns aren't allowed in Legislative Plaza, yet they're perfectly happy with folks carrying them into bars... the hypocrisy of their workplace vs. ours!

    There's that bar word again. I think we should be allowed to carry on the Legislative Plaza also

    7. It is illegal to drink while armed. A person who consumes alcohol while packing a pistol may be in violation of the law, but that won't matter when someone dies in a heated barroom brawl from a gunshot wound.

    True you shouldn't drink and carry but I remember my dad telling me when he was young about one of my older cousins pulling a gun in bar before and there sure weren't any permits back then so unless they've got a metal detector those that want to break the law and carry in a bar will continue to do so

    8. Hunters bring flasks and beer on their hunting trips-- does anyone really think someone is just going to go to a bar, armed, and just hang out and not drink?

    I don't hunt so no idea what hunters take. Why do they keep saying bars? If they want to use Chillis as an example, yes I've gone there and not drinked

    9. Even when fired with the best of intentions, bullets sometimes go astray. Fewer guns means there will be fewer accidents and mistakes.

    True *bleep* happens and there will be hell to pay if you miss and hit someone else. Fewer cars on the road will mean fewer accidents.

    10. This new law is making Tennessee a laughingstock. http://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/106/Bill/HB0962.pdf will modify Michie's Legal Resources Didn't click the link but I'm guessing it has to do with carry in restaurants. That bill isn't making up a laughing stock. It's the panties in a wad crowd that's suing and crying that's making us a laughing stock when surrounding states allow it already, that and that law passed a few years ago saying it was ok to eat roadkill is what's making his the laughing stock

    11. Bars are chaotic and noisy and loud. The controlled environment of a pistol range does not qualify a person to think and react the way police officers do. We don't need vigilantes in bars.

    Don't think anyone is advocating that we carry to be the police

    12. Finally, if you are so worried about your safety that you feel you need to be packing a pistol to go into such-and-such bar... then you just need to go somewhere else.

    I don't go to bars, just because I don't go looking for trouble doesn't mean it won't come looking for me. Heck you're not even safe in a church now a days and that at one time was the most sacred place you could be.


    I know the OP didn't make these comments. I was just posting my responses. You know at one time when I 1st got my permit about 13 years or so ago I was like heck yeah if I see someone needing protecting and the situation called for deadly force I would step up to the plate but now heck no, cell phone 911, description as I go the other way. If you can legally buy a firearm to protect yourself or learn some form of self defense then that's on you. Also it would be my luck the person would be an anti and say why did you shoot the guy for. There are very few and I mean very few exceptions to my rule on this

  5. I read that article in today's paper. I just don't get some people. Did you read the part about divorced parents and altercations. How does logic say a sign is going to stop someone intent on shooting you? I don't care for baseball so I hardly ever go to the sports plex anyway. I went out to North Park yesterday afternoon to play tennis and yesterday was the 1st time I saw JPD riding around. Normally I see MaxxGuard Security patrolling.

    I also don't get this lawsuit in Nashville, boy some people in TN are just idiots. I could see them having a point in TN was the 1st in the nation to attempt this but we're not.

    I wish I could carry at the fairgrounds when the fair is here. I haven't been in years. I take my kid to the carnival they have at the Jackson Plaza parking lot instead.

  6. I've recently started carrying my G30 OWB in a Comptac paddle and it's the cat's meow. Shirt just has to be big enough. Works good with an untucked shirt. Quicker for me to get to it also. I wear it with a shirt tucked in if I'm going to drive thru late at night though.

    I havent tried OWB unconcealed in a store. I normally wear kahkis,polo tucked in or jeans and tshirt or polo tucked in, clean cut looking guy but scared I may get tall black man in aisle 10 with a gun reports. Although I have seen quite of few guys carrying open lately

  7. Even though I am from Dresden, being a geocacher, I have visited most if not all the parks in Jackson and surrounding area. I did run into a dirtbag at Savannah Williamson Park near Denmark. I wrote about that experience in a letter to the editor of the Commercial Appeal. That incident happened at 10 am.

    Most of my geocaching does occur during the middle of the day and usually I have the park to myself or just a few people around. I typically avoid geocaching in parks in the later afternoons since there are many people around.

    In Jackson, I think Muse Park can be the most dangerous.

    The thing about Muse is on Sundays a lot black guys/gals like to ride through the park with their radios, 20 inch rims and once the park closes it's a traffic jam on parkway. I'm a black guy and I noticed it so I know everyone else has but at the same time I don't recall hearing any incidents other that it's a gay hang out and that one time they found that one dead guy. Muse is normally heavy populated from what I can tell. Kate Cambell although very small is one I wouldn't like visiting because it sits off in the woods with virtually no one able to see you.

    While we're talking jackson. Where does Pinson Mounds fall under state or federal and will carry be allowed there?

  8. I'm from Jackson also. Would you mind posting those 5 names or you can PM.

    Is it a all or nothing opt out? Meaning one park could be posted and another not be?

    I can very well see them trying to post up North Park with the tennis courts, play ground, walking trail, soccer fields, and hockey rink. Kate Campbell sit off by itself with no review to anyone. IMO thats the perfect place to get stuck up. The no guns sign came down at the North Library so we do have some pretty good councilmen, who knows. It's going to be interesting.

  9. I doubt they ever will. If they ever do, pack your bags boys Armageddon is here B)

    I'm a pretty reasonable guy and I don't let me being pro gun cloud my judgment. I try to look at both sides of the argument and use common sense but I just don't get this one about restaurant carry and what has everyone spooked, it's not like you're able to drink while carrying.

    On the parks the only one and I mean only argument to me would be instead of saying it's for the children, they should say they're scared some hot head parent shooting another parent or ump at a ball game. To me that's understandable than it's for the children.

    Just like I don't have a problem with requiring a permit and class to carry I know a lot of pro gunners say you don't need one but I have no problem with requiring one. I think you should be able to show some proficiency if you're going to carry one in public, around the house and your property do as you please no class or permit needed. See I can be all over the map :)

  10. Thats one thing I don't get about all this whining about safety. Our bordering states allow this, people acting like this is something new.

    Wish they would get their heads out of their butts.

    Saw Gist said he would let the council decide on the restaurant carry but that he was opposed to park carry for the safety of the children.

    You know I'm dern tired of this it's for the children. I would like for them to just once answer the do you think criminals obey signs

  11. The law says they can't now. All the resolution is and IMO a waste of time is to encourage businesses to post.

    I'm sure some will and will get hammered and eventually remove their signs. I also think some will post a no gun sign but post it incorrectly.

    Thinking that the anti gun crowd will see it and say good no guns in here while the pro gun crowd will see it and say, that's not posted correctly and go ahead and enter. What will mess that up is the ones who will go to the manager and say hey you're not posted correctly


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