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Sp guns

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Posts posted by Sp guns

  1. 5 minutes ago, Gotthegoods said:

    I noticed your comment firearms are allowed for hunting with 3 shot maximum capacity.

    What other gun laws does Greece have?

    How do Greeks feel about gun laws?

    Hi.!! We can not have firearms or rifles..only shotguns..we can hunt only with open sights and we can have only 3 shots in the shotgun. We would like to can have rifles and to can use scopes at hunting...

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  2. 55 minutes ago, TrickyNicky said:

    Same here, they are really funny and I like seeing how you use a .410 shotgun like a rifle out to 100 yards. Have you ever fired slugs into ballistic gel from that range?

    What are the gun laws like where you're from?

    Hi.!!! No we dont have ballistic gel here..here in Greece we can have only shotguns..!!

  3. Hi.!! Tomorrow i will make a video, what shotgun have more penetration power ? The 12g or the 410.?? Both of them will shoot magnum slugs at 50 and 100m..!! What do you think.?? What shotgun will penetrate more pieces of wood.?? I dont know.!! The 12g have huge difference of energy that the 410 but the 410 is a lot smaller than the 12g.!! I dont know..


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