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Posts posted by NotYetGecko45

  1. 3 minutes ago, Garufa said:

    Now how in the hell does a slide fall off while dry firing?  None of the Internet metallurgists and gunsmiths said anything about a gun just coming apart if there's not a snap cap in the chamber.

    *Sneering Mall Ninja Operator Voice* : "obviously the stupid plastic gun is inferior and dry firing causes stress fractures due to negative atmospheric harmonic waves and electrons in the firing pin channel due to friction and static and then the slide explodes and kills all of your kittens; get a Daniel Defense bro like navy seals used it and I did when I was black ops in Laos you know?"

  2. Got a rolling block rifle given to me quite a few years ago - figured it would be time to find out what it actually is.

    Last time I was back home I did some research on it, found some Naval markings - not sure if they were Brit or American, but it is definitely a mid-1800s version at least. No aperture sight on it, had some cheap calipers to measure the bore diameter and it is over .50cal, I assume .58 Berdan given how old it is. Mechanically it is sound, not that I would trust shooting anything out of it.

    My question is, if I could get some good detailed pictures of the rifle, would anyone be able to identify it? Or at least point me in the direction of some good resources to do my own research?

    It is in original condition, which is to say decent amount of battering done to it and no refinishing. The metal wasn't rusted or pitted, probably could use some TLC from someone who cares about these sort of things, it's currently in a closet in VA. If it is of value I'll probably sell it.

    Thanks in advance!

  3. I've always had HTCs or Galaxy's - but the Galaxy definitely wins out. I've had the S3, S4 and S6 so far, I'm sticking with the S6, plenty fast and the camera is great. If you have the scratch go ahead and get the S7.

    The S6 isn't a huge phone by any means - where as the Note is a "Phablet" I think they're calling it now, in other words a Giant Brick - awesome processing power though, but not something I'd wear in tight jeans, might excite someone.

  4. Got one, dozens more get through.

    Back when I was attached to a Southern Command TF, had the opportunity to watch some customs guys do their jobs, it is pretty cool what you turn up - explosives, automatic weapons, drugs...people, strange fruits and bugs.

    Cool they caught it - but you know, the whole "head of the hydra" thing. Shame about those 553s, someone (CIA, Hilldawg, Russians, Neckbeard Three Percenters) is probably sobbing into a lean cuisine right now. 

  5. It will get sold on the basis that it is something new - just like a lot of Apple product users will upgrade to the iPhone 7 over the 6 and it's variations. The fact that "cool guy specialz agentz" will use it is a good enough reason for someone to buy it, whether it be a M17/17-M or 17 Gen 5 as per it's official marketing name.

    The ambi-slide lock is a cool idea I suppose, fingers grooves don't bother me so it's a moot point. What I do hope is that a bunch of people buy these so we can pickup Gen 3s for dirt cheap and Gen 4s at current 3 prices.

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  6. "The National Firearms Act defines "machinegun" as "any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger." 26 U.S.C. 5845(b). The term also includes "the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, and any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of the person." Id.; see 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(23); 27 CFR 478.11, 479.11."

    Now if 'single function of the trigger' means just one pull then I do not see a problem - but if ATF counts the pull and release/reset of a trigger as a 'single function' then I can see where there could be a problem. 

    For $400 it seems a bit prohibitive - I am waiting for the single-celled, spray-tanned, "Three Percent" crowd on Instagram, and other websites, to post pictures of their "sweet Navy SEAL controlled pairs" using this trigger, that will be worth it for entertainment value.

    MAC on YT had a cool showcase, seems you can overrun the system, which makes sense. I'm sure it would be pretty fun in a pistol carbine type weapon - but as mentioned, someone will get scared/have their safe space violated/get offended and want to ruin the fun for everyone like with pistol braces.

  7. Don't let the screen name scare you - I'm the furthest from a mall ninja though I am known to fight Chechens with SW5s from the safety of my couch on Monday mornings.

    Spent time in TN toward the end of my military career, great times but I have since been back and forth between UAE and Central OH.

    Looking forward to chatting up with some good folks of the great state of TN and hopefully learning a thing or 3 about firearms.


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