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The Rabbi

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Posts posted by The Rabbi

  1. I got one of these "budget ARs" in. Very nice looking but without a dust cover, brass deflector, or forward assist. I wondered if anyone had shot one to see how they worked.

  2. I would like to take my .357 Sig P229 with a stainless slide and remove the bluing from the slide and then buff the SS slide. I have had one person tell me that just buffing to shine the SS will eat away metal and I could make the slide dangerous. Does anyone have any suggestions or comments about this. I know customers who have done the same on their slides without any problems? I also want to make sure I don't buff enough to blur the writing.

    Bead blast and polish. Buffing it will not make it dangerous, unless you plan to buff about 1/2" of metal off. Be careful around the lettering

    Obviously strip the slide first and dont polish the top. Typically people want to leave that matte.

    The second question got answered pretty well.

  3. What makes either one the those blowhards a "Reverend"? Just curious.

    Jackson is a Baptist minister. I didnt make it up.

    Jackson attended Sterling High School, a segregated high school in Greenville, where he was a student-athlete. Upon graduating in 1959, he rejected a contract from a professional baseball team[clarify] so that he could attend the racially integrated University of Illinois on a football scholarship. However, one year later, Jackson transferred to North Carolina A&T located in Greensboro, North Carolina. There are differing accounts for the reasons behind this transfer. Jackson claims that the change was based on the school's racial biases which included his being unable to play as a quarterback despite being a star quarterback at his high school as well as being demoted by his speech professor as an alternate in a public speaking competition team despite the support of his teammates who elected him a place on the team for his superior abilities.[1] ESPN.com reports a different story, however. Claims of racial discrimination on the football team may be exaggerated because Illinois's starting quarterback that year was an African American. In addition, Jackson left Illinois at the end of his second semester after being placed on academic probation.[2] Following his graduation from A&T, Jackson attended the Chicago Theological Seminary with the intent of becoming a minister, but dropped out in 1966 to focus full-time on the civil rights movement.[3] He was ordained in 1968, without a theological degree; awarded an honorary theological doctorate from Chicago in 1990; and received his earned Master of Divinity Degree in 2000.[4][5]
  4. I spoke to one of my wholesalers yesterday.

    He is one salesman in a company of about 9. He told me he personally has over 1800 LCPs on backorder. At the rate Ruger has been shipping them it will take 154 years to fill all the backorders.

  5. This one needed resurrecting.

    The other day I found a really weird little bottle of rum. Marked "Old Monk" it is blended and vatted, according to the label. Also labeled, for export to the US only. Made in India. I guess they didnt want those Muslims being tempted by it.

    I drank some like bourbon, over ice. Sometimes with dark rums I will put in a squirt of lime juice as well.

    This was a very smooth, heavy molasses-like rum. Really pleasant. I think I still like Black Seal Goslings Rum more.

  6. So they'll just ban ammunition?

    I suppose they could.

    But they won't for any number of reasons.

    Short of it is that anyone looking to Heller to guarantee an unrestricted right of anything will ultimately be disappointed. A determined legislature can make life miserable for gun owners (or anyone else) in a million ways. Ultimately the legislature is answerable to the people and will overall reflect people's values. So states like TN will continue to be gun friendly while states like N.J. will continue to be antagonistic. At least until gun owners there band together and engage in some major marketing for their side.

    And btw I don't think that's a bad thing.

  7. I was wrong. Rabbi is apparently willing to step in for you and deal with the ATF on your behalf.

    He asked a question on the website. It led into a discussion. Some of us have gone through this process so have a little insight into it. Maybe by sharing that the process and issues for FFLs will become clearer, not just for him but for other interested people reading the thread.

    What is your problem?

  8. Yea the issue was a bunch of people from the same town were trading on the same website and a local FFL got mad. I didnt intend for this thread to get into details on this I just wanted some advice about getting my FFLs. Id like to thank everybody for their advice but Im just gonna try to get my FFL.

    There are lots of people trading on this website. So what?

  9. There is a magic number of guns you can sell in a year before the BATFE considers you a dealer and wants their application and fee.

    That number is low. That number is around 10.

    If I were you I would either stop doing what you are doing or pony up the $200, get an FFL and play by the rules.

    What is your source for this statement?

    If he gets the license then he will have to keep 4473s and run background checks every time he wants to transfer a gun.

    But as I recall, there is a question on the application that asks "do you intend to make a profit in this business?"

    In my interview with the ATF agent I recall he asked the same thing.

    If the answer is no (and that seems to be the case) then they won't grant the license.

  10. I talked to him today.

    It was worse.

    He was coming out and two guys pulled up. One said give us your money. The other one just opened fire. He was hit in the left thigh and right hip. His Blackberry deflected some of the bullet but it still entered his body and they had to take out some intestine. He retreated and they shot again and a third bullet grazed across his back.

    He had left his gun in the car.

    Still in intense pain, despite medication.

  11. Several people have commented *rabbi especially* how he doesnt need an FFL. Seriously, listen to rabbi. He operates a small little shop and something tells me that he's gone through this process. :eek:

    You dont need an FFL nor will you be granted one for what you're doing.

    Hope you dont learn the hard way. :D

    He'll submit his application and it will get turned down because he doesn't meet the requirement to buy and sell for profit.

    The only good is that he can show the turn down letter to idiotic ATF agents who insist he needs an ffl.

  12. Well with all due respect to ATF agents, but they are just like cops, some know their job well, some don't but like to think they do.

    If you are not engaging in the buying and selling of guns for profit you do not need an ffl. In fact you cannot get an ffl because that's a requirement for the license.

    And yes, you can operate multiple businesses on the premises. Bellshire hardware does just that.

  13. From the sound of it not only do you not need an FFL, you likely won't get one.

    The ffl is for the purpose of engaging in buying and selling guns to make a profit. If that isn't your intent, you can't have one.

    Further, they will only grant one to premises that meet all local zoning ordnances. So if your house is not zoned commercial, they won't give you one.

    Since ATF nowhere defines a given number of transactions that might constitute "dealing" it is hard to see how they can prosecute. The guys who set up tables at every gun show and buy and sell are clearly, in my mind, dealers who ought to have a license (but couldn't get it because they wont give ffls to people who sell exclusively at shows).

    I know their current bug is unlicensed dealers (their past bug was straw purchases). But since there is no legal definition I am aware of, they can't prosecute.

  14. Here is from today's news. Now he gets to distance himself from the remarks. I guess that strategy backfired, like the presidential seal nonsense.

    Who is advising this guy again??

    Oh, and I liked to McCain's response.

    Obama also sought to tamp down controversy surrounding comments over the weekend from a supporter. Retired Gen. Wesley Clark said in a television appearance that the Vietnam War-era military service of John McCain, Obama's Republican opponent, does not necessarily qualify him to be commander in chief.

    McCain was a fighter pilot who was captured and held as a prisoner of war for more than five years.

    Obama said that patriotism "must, if it is to mean anything, involve the willingness to sacrifice" and sought to distance himself from Clark's remarks without mentioning them.

    "For those like John McCain who have endured physical torment in service to our country — no further proof of such sacrifice is necessary," Obama said. "And let me also add that no one should ever devalue that service, especially for the sake of a political campaign, and that goes for supporters on both sides."

    The comment drew loud applause.

    At a news conference in Harrisburg, Pa., McCain was asked about Clark's comments.

    "I think that that kind of thing is unnecessary," McCain said. "I'm proud of my record of service, I have plenty of friends, leaders who will attest to that.

    "The important thing is if that's the kind of campaign Senator Obama and his surrogates and supporters want to engage in, I understand that. But it doesn't reduce the price of gas by one penny. It doesn't achieve our energy independence or make it come any closer. Doesn't make any American stay in their home who's at risk of losing it today. And it certainly doesn't do anything to address the challenges Americans have in keeping their jobs, homes and supporting their families."

    Separately, in a statement, Obama spokesman Bill Burton said, "As he's said many times before, Sen. Obama honors and respects Senator McCain's service, and of course he rejects yesterday's statement by Gen. Clark."

  15. What strikes me is just the stupidity of it. Clinton wasn't qualified either. Neither is Obama. In fact, arguably just 3 presidents were: Washington, Grant, and Eisenhower. Maybe Jackson.

    And they are hardly a list of our greatest.

    It is a stupid thing to pick on, highlighting one of McCain's strong points and one of Obama's weak ones.

    It is a very ham-handed poorly thought out criticism and it had to come from Obama's campaign.

    I suspect we will see more and more incidents of Obama The Bungler as we go on.


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