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Posts posted by midtennchip

  1. Thanks for the nice words, folks. There are some "issues" with other people (such as a wife) knowing the combination to the safe under the ATF's constructive possession stance. It isn't just an NFA issue, though. The constructive possession issue goes to any firearm and the case law on it really is an outcrop from constructive possession cases of non-NFA firearms by felons, as well as non-firearms related cases. Whether or not it would ever arise the a real criminal prosecution for just having someone (particularly someone who is not prohibited from possession anyway) know the combination of a safe is just an academic discussion at this point. I am not aware of any case where prosecution has occurred. But, there are plenty of people who have had to defend themselves in constructive possession cases (both firearms and non-firearms cases) to make it a potential risk.
  2. Robert has it right (glad you remember what we talked about at the self-defense seminar).  The shooting has to be RULED justified to obtain the protection from a civil suit.  If a DA does not prosecute the shooting criminally, or if the charges are just dropped without a ruling from the judge, then the protection does not go into effect. 


    Maybe it helps to think of it this way:   No need for more than one court proceeding to determine if the shooting was justifiable self-defense.  The protection from civil liability prohibits a second case (i.e., a civil case after the criminal case) where there has already been a case in court that heard the issue and made a ruling that the shooting was justified.  No need to go through that again to prove it (we also dislike inconsistent rulings on the same set of facts). 


    But, if there hasn't been a criminal case with a ruling, then a civil case may be filed. 

    • Like 2
  3. 55% support all? wtf? who art these 55% I dont know more than about 3 or 4 people that would want to ban guns or mags total.

    These people are people who are not in your circle (or mine). It is one of the problems with trying to predict what "most people" think, believe, will do, accept, etc. Everyone is insulated, at some degree, from contrary opinions. Just like on this board. We come here because there are like-minded people here. We don't regularly hear people who disagree with us. Sure, we all have co-workers or family who disagree, but the vast majority of people each of us associate with are not completely opposed to the things we believe in.

    The people who regularly read/watch CNN are more liberal than those people who know.
  4. Thanks, guys. Might have someone who can help locally, but might tr to take someone up on a offer later. My problem is two fold:

    1. I probably don't have the right tools (I don't do this kind of mods much); and
    2. Moving the sights scares the crap out of me.
  5. Folks, I am working on having a "multigenerational NFA trust" product. However, I will tell you that it is a much more complicated issue than just making the trust last longer. Just think how things change from one generation to the next. If you create a trust that is intended to last 100 years (for example), what would it look like? A 100 year old house (without significant changes over time) would likely not be livable. No updated electrical system, no heat and air, small closets, no updated plumbing, etc. Creating a trust that will still work 2 or 3 generations down the road is equally difficult. No way to guess what the legal landscape (taxes, gun laws, etc) will look like.

    Also, I have gotten numerous questions about whether a trust would protect guns from any upcoming law changes. The answer is, no one knows. Until the legislation is passed, there is absolutely NO WAY to know if a trust would fix any perceived problems. If semi-automatic weapons become subject to the NFA, then maybe an NFA trust is the way to go. But maybe they also do away with the trust option altogether.

    The multigenerational trust is intriguing, but not sure it would make a lot of sense for most people. Not to mention that it would be much more expensive.
    • Like 3
  6. Am I reading this wrong:

    Cause it says that they are liable to the party injured. - I'm sure there's more to this one somewhere cause it's not complicated enough

    Sam, yes, essentially you are reading it incorrectly. It says "color of law," rather than "by law." It the legislature passes a law, they ar not acting directly against anyone. What you are reading is where someone takes direct action to deprive another of protections afforded by law, but that that action under "color of law."

    With respect to the actual passage of a law, legislators, as well as judges, DAs, etc. are protected when acting in official capacity.
  7. Just a thought with today's events. If you are coming to the seminar, please keep a low profile on carrying and/or talking about "self-defense." Just refer to it as a "seminar" or just ask for me by name.

    If you normally open carry, please consider concealed carry for this event.

    I hope this isn't a problem for anyone. If it were a week or two later, I wouldn't even mention it. But emotions are raw right now. The owner of the restaurant is a friend of mine and I would hate for someone to confront one of us and cause a scene. Not that anyone coming to the seminar would do that, but I wouldn't put it past someone who doesn't care for our subject.

  8. Just need clarification: Possible Situtation: Walking out of grocery store, man comes up and asks for some change or a cig or whatever. We do not oblige for whatever reason. Man gets upset and wants to fight. I tell him to back off while assuming a defensive position. Man will not stop and continues to come towards me in a very offensive manner. Scanning the man, he does NOT have a weapon although I am still worried about what they are capable of doing (or maybe I have my kids with me, etc). Can I pull my weapon and tell the man to "stand down" or "stop or I will shoot" or Can I pull out my weapon, warn the man, man doesn't stop and proceed to shoot him or Am I not able to use my weapon at all due to the fact the man is not armed...? I want to discuss this with my wife as well and want to speak intelligently about it. Thanks in advance, Newman

    You would likely NOT be justified in using a firearm here (at least not before the man attacks).  Also, I wonder if a threat would stop the man, anyway.  So many homeless people have mental issues and this sounds like a situation where that might be exactly the issue. 


    On another note, I have a friend who had this situation occur in Memphis several years ago.  However, it turned for the worse.  The guy grabbed a weedeater (of all things) out of the back of another truck at the gas station and hit my friend with it.  Luckily, my friend was able to get the better of the guy. 

    • Like 1
  9. First, please pray for the families, community, and first responders in this incident.  They need it!


    Second, pray for the families, community, and first responders in the OTHER INCIDENT that occurred today in China:




    This one by a knife-wielding man.  It happens no matter what type of weapons are available.  Also, one of the news reports listed the most deadly school massacre in US history as a bomb that was used in Bath Township, Michigan in 1927 (45 dead and 58 others injured).


    Terrible day!!

  10. [quote name='Trekbike' timestamp='1354845716' post='856194']
    Based on the time, is the plan to have the meeting and then whoever wants can stay and eat dinner?

    Probably should have covered this earlier. I figured people would order something (appetizer, lunch, etc), but ther should be plent of people to hang around afterward. This probably will be a great "meet and greet" for TGO. Probably a good chance to just hang out for a little while afterward. I will hang around for little while.
  11. [quote name='bluecanary25' timestamp='1354746197' post='855407']
    UMMMMMmmm. I am not familiar with this establishment. I think other members are in the same boat.
    So I will ask: Is this a "posted" eatery? If it ain't gun friendly, I ain't attending.
    (I am trying to be funny here.... but it is a serious question.)

    I wouldn't have booked it if it wasn't. :)


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