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Posts posted by extremescene

  1. I drove about an hour each way down to Owl Hollow and it was too busy to shoot! Multiple groups of people were taking 3 or 4 lanes each and no one wanted to even discuss giving up a lane. Of course the handgun pit had 4 or 5 shooters already. This was at about 3pm. I saw 2 other members come and leave without shooting while I was there. I guess it was just too nice to stay indoors so everybody went out to shoot. Glad Charlie has the business, but frustrating, nonetheless. I haven't seen it like this all summer. Yesterday was definitely one of the nicest days of the year.

  2. There's nothing that protects you from being denied something based on gun ownership. Unlike race or whatever.

    Plus if its on a credit card,wouldn't anybody except you,and the CC company know about it.

    He's not talking about a credit card. If financed through a store it would have that store name on your credit report for 7 years, whether you paid on time or not. A $1500 line of credit from Buds Gun Shop or similar would be pretty obvious.

    Landlords and employers are definitely checking credit nowadays and most people don't want either to know about their gun ownership... I would think.

  3. My suggestion, buy it a piece at a time if you are wanting to make payments (basically same concept). You can get a stripped lower for $100 then just piece it together as you can. Then it is not hitting you all in the pocket at once, you are not going into debt with interest and you get your AR

    great advice... I'm going to use this method as well for my first AR.

  4. I would generally prefer my gun purchases not to show up on my credit report, seeing how everyone checks it these days. Even though it would be illegal to be denied for such reason, an anti-gun person could deny you and use something else as a reason.

    Aside from that, just save up the money and odds are the price will have gone down a bit more before you actually purchase it. You will save more in the end without the risk.

  5. I'm a member of a camera trading forum and it is setup with a specific "bump" button that allows you to bump the post every 12 hours. A new comment will only bump the post if it hasn't been promoted in 12 hours. This would entail some potentially tricky if then statements in the code, however, and may not be worth the time.

    With the relatively small amount of classified activity going on here it would be easier to sift through if NO posts were promoted for any reason. Just let them fall chronological such as craigslist or ebay. Then it is fair to everybody and easier to sort through for buyers.

  6. If you read my post I didn't claim this was a Bellevue store. I said that I didn't know of anything closer to Bellevue, and it is very close to Bellevue. Since Game Fair is not mentioned very often I thought there may be a few people who have never noticed it before and it could be relevant.

  7. Hmmm, reading the Reuters article linked there doesn't seem as ominous as the thread title suggests. This is that same tired old UN resolution and apparently some groups are unhappy that the new US stance is 100% consensus is necessary for passage. When has 100% of the UN ever agreed on anything? I think we can count on China or Russia for a veto. :D

    I agree... 2 very different articles, read the reuters version that the above article was written about...


  8. There is a store on hwy 70s before the 70s/100 split that I don't hear much mention of... Game Fair, Ltd. I've never been in there. I think it's actually on Old Harding pk, a little side street that runs along 70s. Haven't noticed anything closer to Bellevue though... a new store would be nice!

  9. from Jimmy at Kholster:

    Thank you for your interest in Kholster. My web site is wrong – or so people tell me. I have a mold for the 220/226. I thought it should fit the P6/225 but some tell me it doesn’t. I’m trying to get my hands on a mold for the 225 and will let you know when I do.

    Ready to Serve,

    Jimmy McDonnell

    Kholster LLC, St. Louis, MO




    "we've got you covered"

  10. I think he may have been confused.

    Here is a member here that has a Kholster for his P6. Looks like it fits to me. :confused:


    I also have one waiting for me at home, but I haven't got to try it out yet.

    He doesn't sound confused at all... I imagine a p225/p6 may work in a holster for a 228 or something by chance, but here is our conversation...

    We don't currently cover the 2022 either – there is not much of a demand for it. If you are in the St. Louis area, I can use your gun to make the Kholster and we can get you covered.

    Ready to Serve,

    Jimmy McDonnell

    Kholster LLC, St. Louis, MO




    "we've got you covered"

    From: Collin Peterson

    Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 2:37 PM

    To: Jimmy

    Subject: Re: Sig p6 / p225 holster

    - Hide quoted text -

    What about sig sp2022? I will be looking into one of those after I get one for the 225.


    On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Jimmy wrote:

    Thank you for your interest in Kholster. I’m still trying to locate a 225 mold. Once I have one I will let you know and we’ll get you covered.

    Ready to Serve,

    Jimmy McDonnell

    Kholster LLC, St. Louis, MO




    "we've got you covered"

    From: Collin Peterson

    Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 6:34 PM

    To: Jimmy

    Subject: Sig p6 / p225 holster

    Do you cover the sig p225 line?



  11. Look again under full moon. They DO support the P225.

    Even though he has it listed, I emailed him directly and he is trying to obtain the mold but has been unsuccessful up to this point. I also emailed him about supporting the sig pro series for my 2022 and he stated there isn't enough interest in that line so I'm out of luck there too. Offered to make one using my gun if I was in the St. Louis area, seems like a great guy.

  12. definitely use the .22 to qualify if that is what you are comfortable with. You sure don't want to get used to the recoil of larger calibers under the pressure of that test. My girlfriend and I took our class earlier this year at guns and leather(highly recommended btw) and they recommended using their .22 pistols as neither of us had shot before. We both easily passed and then went out and got comfortable with 9mm and .45.

  13. here are some very nice custom leather holsters that are very highly regarded on sigforum.com...

    Holsters by RGrizzle - aka Country Boy

    That said, I went with crossbreed for my 1911 and p6... you just can't go wrong. Mine are IWB but they make a cheaper OWB version that looks pretty nice... $48. Great company to order from as well. I highly recommend their gun belts too.




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