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Posts posted by andersmg

  1. If you have not bought yet I would advise you to buy one that is water cooled. I burned up the engine in a little suzuki 4x4 I had a few years back that was air cooled. If you are gonna be doing slow moving work with it I strongly encourage getting a water cooled quad.

  2. When you break down the barrell should the shells eject with enough force to "throw" them over your shoulder and onto the ground?

    I have a friend who owns one and he said when you break it down you have to take the spent shells out by hand.

    It is a twenty guage if that matters...

    Thanks in advance!

  3. I also daily carry a kahr, either the PM40 or CW40, whichever I am in the mood for.

    I have found that either of these handguns point very naturally for me as they fit my hand so comfortably.

    I highly recommend any Kahr!

  4. Don't know about K-ville but where I live you can not shoot anything inside city limits.

    Also, in Tenn. you can not legally kill anything there is not a current hunting season open on. If you were to get caught shooting animals out of season you could be charged with poaching, not to mention no license, discharging weapon inside city limits etc.

    You might want to look into some non lethal traps to catch the little critters then carry them far away from your property.

  5. AMEN! Folks!

    God bless us one and all while we remember how much he did and still does love us all, that's a lot of love to give ones only son for our sins so that we could be saved from eternal damnation.


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