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Posts posted by bronco302

  1. I don't know about private K-12 but I was talking about this with my supervisor this week. The new law was a topic of discussion at the Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association meeting last week. The school where I work has a 2a friendly policy developed after discussions with the county Sheriff's department lawyers. That said I don't think they will be adding carry around campus to our allowed activities.


    Joe W.

  2. I know this always opens a can of worms, but I want to look at it from both sides. If there is going to be a penalty then the sign should be very specific, this law covers most of that but some of  wording should be changed because as we have seen the sign will be hidden behind a bush if you don't put your finger on the spot. This should replace the sentence about plainly visible to the advantage person "The notice shall be plainly visible on all doors and prominent locations used for entrance to the building, property, or portion of the building or property,posted". As I said very specific in the finest detail, if this can't be accomplished then the penalty should be removed. I also think a penalty should apply to business owners who do not post properly and plainly then call the law.


    Joe W.

  3. I have the Ring Doorbell, it works nicely but you can't turn it on and just look around. They just set quietly until they see motion. When some people come to my front door they know it's a camera and will reach over it and knock. Motion detect has had them since they hit the porch though.

     The links I put is for something I'm going to try in the next couple of weeks. It's not plug n play but seems simple enough and the system can operate several cameras. Something to research and play with and you can use cameras that run under a hundred bucks. HTH


    Joe W.  


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tD4zhAkLZs (Watch all six)





  4. http://thehill.com/regulation/263632-democrats-want-to-buy-your-guns
    This is awesome! Pay me 25% more than my guns worth. I go buy more and nicer guns with my new funds. Wait, they thought it through even more. I can't buy guns or ammo with the card. So I buy my groceries with this card and buy my new guns with cash I had earmarked for groceries before this windfall. Gun companies love it. Sure we are all paying for this program, but pro gun folks make money off it while the anti pay in and get nothing!
    Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk

    They won't need any money that card will be an IOU that will never activate.
  5. http://thehill.com/regulation/263632-democrats-want-to-buy-your-guns
    This is awesome! Pay me 25% more than my guns worth. I go buy more and nicer guns with my new funds. Wait, they thought it through even more. I can't buy guns or ammo with the card. So I buy my groceries with this card and buy my new guns with cash I had earmarked for groceries before this windfall. Gun companies love it. Sure we are all paying for this program, but pro gun folks make money off it while the anti pay in and get nothing!
    Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk

    They won't need any money that card will be an IOU that will never activate.
  6. I have always understood the law to be that you are not to fire warning shots because any discharge of a firearm is a use of deadly force due to the potential for serious injury or death.  When it comes to shooting into the ground, this is highly unlikely to hurt anyone, but the legal logic still remains that you don't discharge your firearm unless you are doing so for the purpose of using it specifically to fend off a threat to your life.  That traditional legal logic that you don't use your firearm unless it is absolutely essential to defend your life is likely what motivated the citation, especially since it was a densely populated area where a stray round or ricochet could hit a bystander.  This was common practice when I was a LEO in both Kentucky and Florida.  If you are in enough fear that you need to use deadly force, you use it against the attacker, not the ground or the air.  
    Now, if it were me in that particular situation, I'd take a citation any day over having to live with the fact that I had to kill someone even if it were justified.  If I can cease the threat without shooting someone, that's a win in my book.  Ultimately, it's the view of the judge and/or jurors who will ultimately decide his fate.  My prediction is that he will likely go to court, explain it to the judge/jury, and have the charges dismissed, or as DaveTN said, the prosecutor may drop the charges before it gets that far.

    Don't forget Tennessee includes fear of serious bodily injury also not just life. I figure a guy coming at me on my property with a club means me serious bodily injury.

    Joe W.
  7. My Ultratech is hard to open and close as well, but I can get it done with one hand.  I've had it for a year or so I guess.  
    The screws that hold it together are that stupid three hole bit design that I've never found anywhere.  At the NRA meeting I asked the Microtech rep to sell me one, which they wouldn't.  No problem, I asked them to tighten up the loose screws and sell me some replacements, also a no go.  Had to send my knife in to get "serviced".
    The H&K OTFs look very promising, I would look at them at Guns and Leather in Greenbriar.

    You can get a tool for the Ultratech here. http://www.pvk.vegas/product-p/mt-sp-2.5.htm
    I carry a regular blade Ultratech every day and have a bayonet blade as well. Like then a lot.

    Joe W.
  8. I don't know if you saw this but we won't have to worry about Sharpton and the like jumping in on this. I was on the KPD Facebook page and saw this exchange between a race baiter and the KPD.


    • Rebeccs Parker Swiger I am rereading the statement and something is puzzling to me. It says the friend was outside watching, How was his life in danger then? He had nothing to do with what is going on inside the building. He decided to get his gun and shoot. This is no justice. He needs to be prosecuted for something. the law was interpreted to protect white shooting black. Go figure.
    Knoxville Police Department Ms. Swiger, The male friend, who shot the suspect while he was committing the armed robbery with a fully loaded handgun, was African American.
  9. Sell it and put the money away how ever you choose. In the end the best inheritance you can give your kids is no left over burdens to carry. If there is anything left then they can share or fight over it.



    Joe W. 

  10. While I am not religious,  I can be courteous and return the Merry Christmas,  Happy Hanukkah,  or whatever greeting I am presented with.  The way I figure, I am wishing them a happy celebration, no matter what they are celebrating much like happy birthday.  I also don't have any issues allowing, not forcing, moments of silence during events and even at school.  Silence can be used for whatever the person wants, prayers, building a grocery list, or just thinking of the day ahead.
    That being said, Merry Christmas for those celebrating it and a Happy New Year for all...unless you dont believe in happiness.

    Exactly, polite ain't hard I don't know why so many have such a hard time with it.
  11. This thread made me decide to drain my hot water tank to remove some of the sediment. I turned off the gas and water to the tank. I connected the garden hose to the drain valve/spigot, and turned on the valve/spigot. No water came out.

    I was expecting the water to drain from the tank, but water will only come out of the hose while the water to the tank is turned on. Am I missing something?

    Not missing anything, sediment in probably clogging your drain valve. If you haven't leave the drain open and turn on the cold to try to blow out the valve and get the drain going. It may take several tries to get it cleaned out. HTH.


    Joe W. 

  12. This was posted last night on facebook by one of my wife's niece's. For those in other areas this was in Knoxville.

    "Tonight was a eye opening experience!! I am going to be more aware of my surroundings from now on. Getting gas at Shell on Chapman highway when I heard screaming. The girl in next stall was being attack by white guy with a knife! He was trying to get her in the car. Luckily she sprayed him with pepper spray and screamed! He did get away and was last seen running toward Woodlawn road.I stayed with the girl until cops came. I tried to calm her down but I know my hug didn't ease her. She is still on my mind, and I pray she finds peace! I think I am more shaking up by the fact that this happened so close to Lahela and I. It could easily been us, and I don't have pepper spray. Thank you GOD for everything!"

    Take care out there.
    Joe W.
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