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Posts posted by memphisjim

  1. first im sure its on here somewhere but i couldnt find it

    i have a hcp and forgot the rifle rules

    as i remember it with a permit i can have a loaded rifle in vehicle so long as it isnt chambered

    like say a mini 14 i could have a full mag inserted and be ok so long as it wasnt chambered

    is this correct? and is the same true with pump shotguns? (tube full but not chambered)

    thank you

  2. There was alot of action in the first episode Real quick to the shooting I hope it stayed that way. I'm rooting for the navy seal guy. I like how quickly and seemingly correctly organized his team. Now what do seals do for 8 weeks with poles?

  3. Ok I was given a mini 14 It's one of the early lightweight ones which I like. Problem is the reason it was given to me is that there is light surface rust all over the thing. Not to the point of pitting though

    Couple of questions. One if I keep it oiled without removing the surface rust will it not rust any more?

    Two what's it generally cost for some one to break one of these down and clean up rust and recoat the metal with Something?

  4. I'm for rampage I wrestled with him on a freestyle team. He will ko hamill. Rampage hasn't changed much since high school he was called rampage then and was already wearing the chain. He was funny too alot of his talk is hyping the fights which means more money I roomed with him on an out of state tournament and heard some crazy stories about his childhood

  5. My nephew had it grew out of it. Niece (2) still has it. And there seems to be no cure. Recommendations .. Get an allergy test , find lanolin free lotions. And the best. Thing we've. Found is using triple antibiotic / neopsporin as lotion

  6. Cool those hammered double barrels supposed to be some of the highest lived guns made. As sprints are unstressed when hammers dowplus you have 2 firing mechanisms. I used to have a matte nickle stoeger coach gun. It was beautiful but kicked brutally with high brass

  7. ok first the innocent until proven guilty is in a court of law the judicial branch of govt

    the executive branch doesnt operate that way

    sure the cops were a little hotheaded but at the same time the guy isnt doing what they said and he had a gun you can't let that escalate

    he should have done exactly what the cops said and if after felt his rights were violated take the next appropriate action


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